PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Plant Tarjun, Kotabaru, held an emergency response competition to enliven the commemoration of the month of the national occupational health and safety (K3).
SHECSR Department Head H. Teguh Iman Basoeki, through Indocement Plant Tarjun Safety Officer Sudirman Noor, said the activity was one of the efforts to improve K3 culture for all employees.
"This is also to train employees' readiness in preventing work accidents and preparing for emergencies, especially in confined spaces and heights," he noted in a press release.
In addition to employees, the competition also involvedpartner contractors who actively working at Indocement Tarjun.
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"In this series of programs, we are also working with the Kotabaru Police to provide safety riding training to Indocement's SMK Mitra students," he added.
The program was a form of the company's active participation and its a real step in realizing the independence of the Indonesian people with an OHS culture, he said.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022
SHECSR Department Head H. Teguh Iman Basoeki, through Indocement Plant Tarjun Safety Officer Sudirman Noor, said the activity was one of the efforts to improve K3 culture for all employees.
"This is also to train employees' readiness in preventing work accidents and preparing for emergencies, especially in confined spaces and heights," he noted in a press release.
In addition to employees, the competition also involvedpartner contractors who actively working at Indocement Tarjun.
Related news: Indocement invites educators to protect environment
"In this series of programs, we are also working with the Kotabaru Police to provide safety riding training to Indocement's SMK Mitra students," he added.
The program was a form of the company's active participation and its a real step in realizing the independence of the Indonesian people with an OHS culture, he said.
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Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2022