Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina expounded the reason for protesting against the extension of level 4 public activity restriction (PPKM) to October 18, 2021, because the city has been very maximal in handling COVID-19 until the transmission has dropped drastically.
"I have sent an official letter to protest the extension of level 4 PPKM to the central government," he said here, Friday.
"Hopefully the central government to evaluate it again," he added, saying that the protest should be carried out.
Especially, the central government through the Chairman of the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPC-PEN) Erlangga Hartarto had previously issued a statement that there was no more PPKM level 4 outside Java and Bali.
"It gave hopes and euphoria that there is no level 4 province, including South Kalimantan. Why has Banjarmasin City becomed level 4 (again)," said Ibnu Sina.
He said the residents were very burdened by the status of the level 4 restriction that was prolonged, even for 12 weeks because it lasted from July 26 to October 18.
"The reality is that currently in hospitals, especially the Sultan Suriansyah Hospital, there are zero COVID-19 patients, and only five patients at Ulin Hospital," he pointed out.
All efforts that the city government has devoted to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic have been dispersed by the extension of the restriction.
"It is as if we don't work, the city seems tense, even though it is perfectly normal, COVID-19 cases very low," said Ibnu Sina.
This also concerns the economic movement in the provincial capital of South Kalimantan. If the PPKM level can go down, the economic recovery will be maximized.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
"I have sent an official letter to protest the extension of level 4 PPKM to the central government," he said here, Friday.
"Hopefully the central government to evaluate it again," he added, saying that the protest should be carried out.
Especially, the central government through the Chairman of the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee (KPC-PEN) Erlangga Hartarto had previously issued a statement that there was no more PPKM level 4 outside Java and Bali.
"It gave hopes and euphoria that there is no level 4 province, including South Kalimantan. Why has Banjarmasin City becomed level 4 (again)," said Ibnu Sina.
He said the residents were very burdened by the status of the level 4 restriction that was prolonged, even for 12 weeks because it lasted from July 26 to October 18.
"The reality is that currently in hospitals, especially the Sultan Suriansyah Hospital, there are zero COVID-19 patients, and only five patients at Ulin Hospital," he pointed out.
All efforts that the city government has devoted to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic have been dispersed by the extension of the restriction.
"It is as if we don't work, the city seems tense, even though it is perfectly normal, COVID-19 cases very low," said Ibnu Sina.
This also concerns the economic movement in the provincial capital of South Kalimantan. If the PPKM level can go down, the economic recovery will be maximized.
Read also: PLN supports electric vehicles program in Banjarmasin, open SPLU
Read also: Banjarmasin Mayor wants Biuku River a truly natural attraction
Read also: Banjarmasin targets 80 percent vaccination by Nov 12
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021