Head Banjarmasin Social Agency Iwan Ristianto acknowledged that as many as 10,173 families were affected by the policy of stopping social cash assistance (BST) from the central government.
The Rp300,000 BST for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic was officially removed by the Ministry of Social Affairs as of September 2021.
"At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 the recipients received Rp600,000 BST per month, then in 2021 it became Rp300,000, now it is officially abolished. The number of recipients in the city is 10,173 families," he expounded.
Even though they no longer receive BST, they have entered the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), where they have the opportunity to get other assistance.
"Because they have entered DTKS, social assistance can be in the form of BPJS-health contribution borne by the central government, that's the minimum," he said.
There is no policy yet, especially from the central government through the Ministry of Social Affairs to replace BST.
Iwan explained that BST recipients are other than the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-cash Food Assistance(BPNT).
They are families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, not poor families before the pandemic.
According to Iwan, the city government will also pay attention to them, because the pandemic is not over yet.
"We have reported to the mayor, we will soon formulate," he said.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
The Rp300,000 BST for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic was officially removed by the Ministry of Social Affairs as of September 2021.
"At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 the recipients received Rp600,000 BST per month, then in 2021 it became Rp300,000, now it is officially abolished. The number of recipients in the city is 10,173 families," he expounded.
Even though they no longer receive BST, they have entered the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), where they have the opportunity to get other assistance.
"Because they have entered DTKS, social assistance can be in the form of BPJS-health contribution borne by the central government, that's the minimum," he said.
There is no policy yet, especially from the central government through the Ministry of Social Affairs to replace BST.
Iwan explained that BST recipients are other than the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-cash Food Assistance(BPNT).
They are families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, not poor families before the pandemic.
According to Iwan, the city government will also pay attention to them, because the pandemic is not over yet.
"We have reported to the mayor, we will soon formulate," he said.
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Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021