Head of Banjarmasin Housing and City Residential Areas A Fanani Syaifuddin said that thanks to the "city without slum areas" program called Kotaku now the slum areas in the city left only six percent.
"(Compared to data) based on the initial decree (SK) of Kotaku program, only 6 percent of the slum areas in our city remain," he said here, Sunday.
According to him, the initial decree listed the city's slum areas covering an area of 549.7 hectares spread over five sub-districts in the city.
As the Kotaku program carried out from 2015 to 2020 with the assistance of the central government, Fanani said, the alleviation of slum areas in Banjarmasin was very successful until only 6 percent left.
"This is extraordinary, formerly some community environments were seen very slum. With the Kotaku program now they look decent, roads, sanitation, and others have been improved with this program," he said.
However, Fanani acknowledged, the duty to remove slum areas in the city has not been completed. It will wait for the new draft regulation for the city's 2021-2040 spatial plan (RTRW) to be approved, then the area will be recounted.
Currently, he said, the revision of the Banjarmasin City's spatial plan is being discussed by the local DPRD.
"If the RTRW changes, and the housing area increases, then the slum area will also increase, that's the calculation," he said.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
"(Compared to data) based on the initial decree (SK) of Kotaku program, only 6 percent of the slum areas in our city remain," he said here, Sunday.
According to him, the initial decree listed the city's slum areas covering an area of 549.7 hectares spread over five sub-districts in the city.
As the Kotaku program carried out from 2015 to 2020 with the assistance of the central government, Fanani said, the alleviation of slum areas in Banjarmasin was very successful until only 6 percent left.
"This is extraordinary, formerly some community environments were seen very slum. With the Kotaku program now they look decent, roads, sanitation, and others have been improved with this program," he said.
However, Fanani acknowledged, the duty to remove slum areas in the city has not been completed. It will wait for the new draft regulation for the city's 2021-2040 spatial plan (RTRW) to be approved, then the area will be recounted.
Currently, he said, the revision of the Banjarmasin City's spatial plan is being discussed by the local DPRD.
"If the RTRW changes, and the housing area increases, then the slum area will also increase, that's the calculation," he said.
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Read also: 50 hotspots detected in South Kalimantan: BMKG
Read also: 90 percent teachers in Banjarmasin vaccinated
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021