There is a possibility that the peak of demographic bonus will be ahead of the predicted time, so we need to be ready in preparing our human resources to achieve a developed country status for Indonesia, as the President (Joko Widodo) frequently remi
Stunting prevention has become integral to efforts to achieve the demographic bonus in Indonesia, the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has said.
"There is a possibility that the peak of demographic bonus will be ahead of the predicted time, so we need to be ready in preparing our human resources to achieve a developed country status for Indonesia, as the President (Joko Widodo) frequently reminds us," BKKBN Head Hasto Wardoyo said at a webinar held to commemorate the 2021 National Family Day on Thursday.
As ensuring the health of Indonesia's human resources has become vital, there is a need to prevent stunting, he added.
A demographic bonus can also serve as a window of opportunity if human resources with sufficient quality can be guaranteed, he pointed out.
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"If stunting cases (are) still prevalent, (a child's) thinking ability may be not optimal, (and a) generation with suboptimal intelligence (may arise)," he explained.
BKKBN will provide support to improve Indonesian education, so that the goal to advance the nation's human resources may be achieved, Wardoyo said.
The Free Campus and Free to Learn Programme (Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka) launched by the Education and Culture Ministry will also allow the academic community to help citizens in need, he added.
Local wisdom, as well as local government policies, can also play a role in efforts to reduce stunting, he said, citing research conducted by 14 universities.
BKKBN has been entrusted with the task of handling the prevention of stunting cases by the Indonesian government.
Indonesia, which saw its stunting rate decline to 27.6 percent in 2019, is targeting to further reduce the national stunting rate to 14 percent by 2024. (INE)
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Editor : Mahdani
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