Head of the Banjarmasin Culture and Tourism Office Ikhsan Al-Haq said helmsmen or drivers of tour boats get priority for COVID-19 vaccination.
Their entry in the priority, Ikhsan said, was after the meeting of the city government with the South Kalimantan chapter of the Indonesian Tour and Travel Agent Association (ASITA).
"After a discussion with ASITA representatives as well as other tour groups, including the group of helmsmen of tour motorized riverboat (locally known as kelotok), the acting Mayor suggested the group to get COVID-19 vaccination in the next program," he explained.
Even the acting Mayor Akhmad Fydayeen gave them dispensation to take part in the general vaccination that is being promoted in places of worship.
"So they can mingle there, not to stand alone, because they are not too many," explained Ikhsan saying that they are only about 100 in the city.
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"Some elderly of them can join the vaccination program now. while the young of them, we suggest them to bring the elder of their family, they can also take the vaccination, show your membership card, there is a dispensation for them," he said.
COVID-19 vaccination for tourism actors, not only for kelotok drivers, he said, is very important to be paid attention, because they are the driving force of tourism in this area.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
Their entry in the priority, Ikhsan said, was after the meeting of the city government with the South Kalimantan chapter of the Indonesian Tour and Travel Agent Association (ASITA).
"After a discussion with ASITA representatives as well as other tour groups, including the group of helmsmen of tour motorized riverboat (locally known as kelotok), the acting Mayor suggested the group to get COVID-19 vaccination in the next program," he explained.
Even the acting Mayor Akhmad Fydayeen gave them dispensation to take part in the general vaccination that is being promoted in places of worship.
"So they can mingle there, not to stand alone, because they are not too many," explained Ikhsan saying that they are only about 100 in the city.
Read also: Navy distributes masks to fishermen, river transport users
"Some elderly of them can join the vaccination program now. while the young of them, we suggest them to bring the elder of their family, they can also take the vaccination, show your membership card, there is a dispensation for them," he said.
COVID-19 vaccination for tourism actors, not only for kelotok drivers, he said, is very important to be paid attention, because they are the driving force of tourism in this area.
Read also: News Feature -- Creating fonder memories during Ramadhan with sweet bingka
Read also: Banjarmasin launches BBPOM's river mobile lab
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021