Banjar Regent Khalilurrahman and his wife Raudhatul Wardiyah planted bungur tree seedlings in the yard of the regent's pavilion to mark the 2020 National Tree Planting Day.
"This tree planting is a form of participation and concern for environmental preservation and the people are expected to play an active role in preserving their surrounding environment," he said.
Head of the Banjar Environment Agency Boyke Wahyu Tristiyanto said that tree planting activities on the Indonesia Tree Planting Day is a routine activity of the Ministry of Forestry and Environment every 28 of November.
"Last year it was held at the South Ring (Lingkar Selatan) and this year it is carried out in 3 places, namely South Ring, in the City of Martapura at the Twin Bridge, and at the regent's pavilion," he said.
Bungur tree seedling was chosen for planting because of its long life, thus it can last 10 to 20 years, and this shade tree can be cared by the future generation.
The activity of tree planting involved a number of companies engaged in mining and other fields.
"I hope more trees to be planted, because the land cover of former mining has not been satisfactory and companies are expected to carry out reclamation and revegetation according to the rules and regulations," he said.
Read also: Tanah Laut plants trees in the Marble Cave area
Read also: S Kalimantan planting trees to prevent landslide
Read also: Kotabaru inaugurates Hall of Fish Seed and Health
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
"This tree planting is a form of participation and concern for environmental preservation and the people are expected to play an active role in preserving their surrounding environment," he said.
Head of the Banjar Environment Agency Boyke Wahyu Tristiyanto said that tree planting activities on the Indonesia Tree Planting Day is a routine activity of the Ministry of Forestry and Environment every 28 of November.
"Last year it was held at the South Ring (Lingkar Selatan) and this year it is carried out in 3 places, namely South Ring, in the City of Martapura at the Twin Bridge, and at the regent's pavilion," he said.
Bungur tree seedling was chosen for planting because of its long life, thus it can last 10 to 20 years, and this shade tree can be cared by the future generation.
The activity of tree planting involved a number of companies engaged in mining and other fields.
"I hope more trees to be planted, because the land cover of former mining has not been satisfactory and companies are expected to carry out reclamation and revegetation according to the rules and regulations," he said.
Read also: Tanah Laut plants trees in the Marble Cave area
Read also: S Kalimantan planting trees to prevent landslide
Read also: Kotabaru inaugurates Hall of Fish Seed and Health
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020