The District Government of South Hulu Sungai (HSS) together with Regional Leader Communication Forum (Forkopimda), MUI and mosque administrators throughout the district held a video conference (vicon) to strengthen the joint appeal regarding Friday prayer.
HSS Regent H Achmad Fikry here on Wednesday (April 15, 2020) stated, either the government nor the HSS Council of Ulemas (MUI) made changes regarding the appeal and fatwa, namely allowing no Friday prayers in the current coronavirus outbreak condition.
"This vicon is also as a mean of evaluation in the field, and the government is in position to remind in the effort to prevent transmission of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)," he pointed out.
Regarding some people who still perform Friday prayer, the government does not prohibit, but it should follow medical standards and prosedures accordingly. If not, it is very risky and has the potential to transmit viruses, such as pilgrims not wearing masks, not keeping a distance, and not reporting or coordinating with relevant authorities.
Read also: Chili planting movement, 9.190 seedlings distributed to 4.595 ASN in HSS
The joint vicon has resulted in some mosque administrators stated they were willing not to carry out Friday prayer in the current condition.
"It's good that all parties can obey the government's call and the MUI's fatwa, because it is for our common good and has gone through in-depth studies, includng in terms of religious law and health," he said.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
HSS Regent H Achmad Fikry here on Wednesday (April 15, 2020) stated, either the government nor the HSS Council of Ulemas (MUI) made changes regarding the appeal and fatwa, namely allowing no Friday prayers in the current coronavirus outbreak condition.
"This vicon is also as a mean of evaluation in the field, and the government is in position to remind in the effort to prevent transmission of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)," he pointed out.
Regarding some people who still perform Friday prayer, the government does not prohibit, but it should follow medical standards and prosedures accordingly. If not, it is very risky and has the potential to transmit viruses, such as pilgrims not wearing masks, not keeping a distance, and not reporting or coordinating with relevant authorities.
Read also: Chili planting movement, 9.190 seedlings distributed to 4.595 ASN in HSS
The joint vicon has resulted in some mosque administrators stated they were willing not to carry out Friday prayer in the current condition.
"It's good that all parties can obey the government's call and the MUI's fatwa, because it is for our common good and has gone through in-depth studies, includng in terms of religious law and health," he said.
Read also: One OTG in HST tested positive for COVID-19
Read also: First patient positive for COVID-19 in South Kalimantan recovers
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020