By Imam Hanafi

Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (Antaranews) - Regent Kotabaru H Irhami Ridjani invites young people to improve the environment by getting used to plant trees in their neighborhood.

"Planting trees not only when there is a big event, but it can be done anytime," said Irhami on Wednesday.

According to the Regent, familiarizing to plant will uplift motivation and civilize to improve and rehabilitate forestand degraded land across Indonesia.

"Young people are the future generation, then it needs willingness to participation in caring and preserving the forest," he said.

Meanwhile, one billion tree planting movement is an effort to build a forest ecosystem can be realized, then the forest will be maintained throughout Indonesia.

Tree planting can be done by selecting the right type of tree , because the quality of the environment increases, the positive impact on the adequacy of clean water, food security, renewable energy and endurance . So that we can pass on better and maintained forest to the younger generation to come.

Previously, Head of Environmental Management and Environmental Impact Analyst of Kotabaru Regional Environmental Agency (BLHD) Emi Siswanti lead 100 palm trees planting (genus Roystoneadi ) around the roundabout Batu Belingkun Sebelimbingan, Kotabaru, to support a program to plant a billion trees.


Editor : Mahdani

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