Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (ANTARA) - A Japanese Professor Takuro Matsuo gave a public lecture related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the Banjarmasin Polytechnic (Poliban), South Kalimantan.
The Director of Research Center for AI and Service Science, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology Japan gave a virtual public lecture via zoom meeting with the theme "The Future Of Business And Advertising In The AI Era" on Monday (Oct 16, 2023) at the Poliban campus in Banjarmasin.
Deputy Director 3 of Poliban Dra Nurhidayati here on Tuesday said the participants of lecture from the Informatics Management Study Program and Informatics Engineering Study Program were very enthusiastic about the professor from Japan.
She on behalf of Poliban expressed her gratitude to the resource person, especially Prof Takuro Matsuo, who was willing to share knowledge about AI with Poliban students.
Also competent speaker, Head of Department of Doctor of Computer Science Chairman of IEEE Computer Society Indonesia Chapter, Bina Nusantara University, Prof Dr Ir Ford Lumban Gaol.
This activity was very benefitial, she said, for Poliban students to be actively encouraged to develop technology to face the industrial era 5.0.
Prof Takuro Matsuo expounded in detail about AI, including the definition of AI which includes Artificial Narrow Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence.
He described industrial development in each period up to 5.0 era, visualization based on multidimensionality, and how AI work in the current industrial era.
Meanwhile, Prof Dr Ir Ford Lumban Gaol completed it by explaining challanges that must be faced in the AI era.
He said in the midst of the AI attack, students or individuals must have skills, especially high skill innovator, otherwise they will be eliminated by development over time.
The public lecture was also included questions and answers between resources persons and Poliban students which were quite active.
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