Banjarmasin, (AntaranewsKalsel) - A jukung was swinging gently following the ripples of the river. While the dark night lit only by mere reflection of light from distant lights on the roadside. In harmony with the silence that clung the night.
Once in a while, the paddler paddling. Sometimes he stopped for a relaxed dialogue, with familiarity, to a passenger. As if no serious things they talked, whereas ustadz Ahmad Nida Lukman was in the process of therapy to the resident (the term for drug rehabilitation patients). He was steeped in the background of him.
He's getting comfortable with him, like two old friends who just met. He let the resident released emotions. Free in an atmosphere of silence, calm, in the middle of the river away from other human beings, while lights illuminated only minimally.
The pleasure of sitting swinging in jukung, a typical wooden small boat of South Kalimantan, while enjoying the beauty of the river with a view of the exotic in the atmosphere of the night, might help the therapeutic process.
Ustadz Nida, as he was familiarly called, is the caretaker of Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhtar, a consulting agency, treatment and rehabilitation of drug in the Benua Anyar, the famous village with typical South Kalimantan food, soto Banjar, in Banjarmasin.
In the therapy and rehabilitation, he uses LIS methods, which is a combination of logic, intuition and supernatural. A method which he got from his teacher, KH Elwansyah Elham, founder Pesantren Ibadurrahman in Tenggarong, East Kalimantan. As complete and integrated educational, Ibadurrahman also serve therapeutic and drug rehabilitation.
In practice, ustadz Nida with his Pondok Pesantren Darul Mukhtar uses unique approaches, which may not be found in the other Report Obligatory Recipient Institution (IPWL). He sought how to make resident does not feel, if he is in the process of therapy.
A methamphetamine addict, who came from Surabaya, for example. At the beginning of his arrival at the Darul Mukhtar, mouth silent, not to speak at all. His expression showed confusion, dazed like not remember anything.
While rice packets that served for him just stared. Only after rice wrap was opened, disclosed what was in it, helped him to eat, he too ended up eating.
The situation is no different with the compactor in general. Can not talk. Even if he talked only fragmentary, not clear. Very difficult to communicate with.
Ustadz Nida and therapists, who help him, were used to addicts with a wide range of behaviors. There was an angry, yelling. There was also a coward, which is even too scared to talk. Anything else is shy, or others who silent, as well as other kinds of behaviors.
However, they keep familiar, polite and appreciative to resident. They hang out with the sufferer, like people who have long known each other. Slowly, they speak to him.
The resident from Surabaya at first they let him rested. While nearby put some light reading material. Initially, perhaps, not be touched. But, since that were only those nearby, finally glanced, held then opened and read.
This is one of the seven logic therapeutic, namely the education of mind (intellect). This sense education includes the open dialogue, confidential dialogue, reading and writing, telling stories, asking questions and issuing opinions. Resident indeed "re-schooled", because of the damage of his intellectual, psychological, social, and physical due to drugs.
After that, there are physical education, including here to work and exercise, mental training, which includes the planting of good characters, spiritual education, social education and ethics, skills education and skills, as well as sexual education.
The Surabayan, said ustadz Nida, was drug user since junior high school to high school age. His education was interrupted. Drug can be stopped, but his dependence on sedatives could not be disconnected. Otherwise, he was on a rampage. The average member of the family has felt his raw punch. And, without a sedative, he is hard to sleep. It lasted up to 10 years.
In Darul Mukhtar, he could calm down: without a medical drug, without an injection of a sedative. He did not hit people and he could sleep.
Ustadz Nida said, it is part of the intuition therapy contains four stages, namely appeasement, breaking through, treatment and deterrence.
"Its realization through drinks, food, the transfer of bio energy, as well as prayer, dzikr and wirid," he said.
Surabaya man was not only quiet and could sleep. "He can make his own coffee, cook noodles, and once even welcomed visitors. At that time there were guests who came, then he asked who they visit. After that, he said please waiting," said ustadz Nida.
The process of treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts in Darul Mukhtar lasted six months. During that time, each resident undergo three stages of treatment: logic, intuition and supernatural. In the supernatural stage there are five steps to do: namely supplications and muhasabah; prayer, dhikr, wirid and deeds; migration and taqarrub, the approach to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala; devoutness increase in ritual; strategies and pitfalls to be aware of the lust temptation.
Darul Mukhtar, which stood since 2011, with a two-story building on an area of 11 hectares. It inside has open space, without insulation.
Nida said, if made insulated or rooms, resident feared would do hidden negative things does not help the process of recovery, and difficult to monitor.
In practice, the therapist here has a standard attitude, that is sincere, forbearing, gentle, patient, calm, thorough, firm, clean, obedient, keeping secrets, responsible, and trustworthy.
Darul Mukhtar, said ustadz Nida, already recognized by BNNK Banjarmasin. Methods that use already got the patent. Because Darul Mukhtar is private, then the resident who served has an obligation to pay the registration and rehabilitation costs.
Invited to pray outside
According to ustadz Nida, drug abuse damage personality. The victim became apathetic, even to himself, he loses confidence in himself, his spirits plummeted, fit with a variety of physical ailments that befall him.
While in the association, he lost control. He left the norms and ethics, so he is not able to show politeness and reasonable. He does not care about honor, kindness, and safety.
In the Darul Mukhtar, the victim undergoes refresher process, whether physical, psychological, spiritual and social. In spiritual education, he received special instruction on wisdom, refreshed his religious knowledge with its practice. Including by consistently keeping wudhu (ablution), keeps self from immorality, keeping the dzikr and wirid.
Towards the prayer time arrives, he will be reminded of his obligations. "We also asked him to pray at the mosque with other Muslims, so he felt he was part of them," he said.
Another time, residents invited to eat in the restaurant. The goal is the process to get him back socialable, in order to recover his confidence and start paying attention to the people around him.
"We also invited him for bamasakan (local tradition by gatherings to cook together and eat together). We call friends and relatives to come. So many people crowd together, that the resident mingle with them," he said.
Need cooperation
During the four years of the Institute Consultancy Therapy and Rehabilitation of Persons with Social Problems, Darul Mukhtar gave only about 20 resident care inpatient rehabilitation.
The rest, there are hundreds of outpatients resident. Most of them were employees, both government and private sector employees, as well as students.
Ustadz Nida draw the resident's situation as victims who experience boredom against drugs. "They're tired, bored, anxious to disassociate from the bondage of drugs, but could not," he said.
Why? "When they express the desire, their families do not believe or think they are kidding or do not know where he is going dispensing.
While they are still in a state of addiction. Finally, because there is no way out, they come back again," he said.
The victims of drugs, he said, are those who need help. "To help the healing process there should be cooperation between users, parents, family, and a team of experts who handle it. This cooperation must be built on the basis of kinship, intimacy, and harmony," said ustadz Nida.
Darul Mukhtar himself, he emphasized, will not receive any resident who granted only, then abandoned as parents and their families hands-off. "Attempts to obtain this healing is a serious effort and attention together," he said again.
He reminded that God who is healing. He who heals whom He wills. Thus, the victims need to pray and be prayed for. "We only seek, while the cure is Allah, the Exalted," he said.