Pelaihari, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Head of the Tanah Laut Environment Agency Riyadi said that the activities of illegal miners in the region of PT Jorong Barutama Greston (JBG) in the Jorong Sub-district is the responsibility of the company to resolve it.
"Because of the location of the illegal mining in the working area and operational of PT JBG, then they shall overcome and secure it," said the head of the Environment Agency (BLH) in Pelaihari on Monday.
According to him, if PT JBG does not do expulsion of illegal miners, then any damage to the environment in the area of ​​its business licenses become its responsibility.
He said PT JBG do not feel afraid to evict illegal miners, although the alleged illegal mining activities involve apparatus.
He also reminded PT JBG require a permit on land that entered the forest area, because without such permission it could not conduct business activities.
From the results of the report, BLH wonder that the illegal miners in the area of ​​PT JBG know dots of coal deposits.
If miners lay, he said, certainly do not know dots coal deposits in the area of ​​PT JBG, but in fact the illegal miners know the content of the coal.
Previously reported, Tanah Laut Police have been many times curbing illegal miners in the area of ​​PT JBG , but still their activities continue to occur repeatedly.