Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - The Saijaan Fishermen Association (Insan) in Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, will refuse the environmentally friendly fishing gear as an aid from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).
Secretary of Insan Sabran in Kotabaru on Sunday said the fishing gear has been tested, but the catch is inadequate.
"We agree that the organization will decide not to accept the aid," he said.
The traditional fishermen using lampara prefer to use the dragnet fishing gear but has been modified so as not to damage the environment.
Among the modifications done on the eyes of the net made wider than the previous 3-4 inches to 12 inches. Then on the net added a kind of stick that will make it float, so it does not touch the bottom of the sea.
The result of this modification has been submitted to the South Kalimantan Marine and Fisheries Agency and is planned to be followed up with field assessments.
"They want to go directly to the field to find out how it works," said Sabran.
Responding to the rejection of fishermen, Head of Kotabaru Fisheries Agency Mochran said it can not force.
"The central government is like this, if the fishermen ask for help as long as there is funding will assist or else it is not, so it is up to the fishermen," said Mochran.
But he reminded the legal consequences if fishermen do not switch to fishing gear is recommended by the government. After several delays in applying the ban on the trawling and trawl fishing gear since 2015, the dispensation will be lifted as of December 31, 2017.
Regarding fishing equipment modified by fisherman, Mochran said the agency is not in the capacity to recommend whether or not it may be used. In addition, there needs to research to prove it is truly environmentally friendly.
"But in principle as long as the fishing gear is still operated by dragging, it remains categorized as environmentally unfriendly," he said.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2017