Tanjung, South Kalimantan 8/6 (AntaranewsKalsel) - Tabalong Police recorded the number of deaths from traffic accidents (lakalantas) in the area since the beginning of the year until May 2017 reached 21 people.
Tabalong police chief Adj Sr Comr (AKBP) Hardiono through Head Unit of traffic accidents Adj. First Insp. (Aiptu) Aso Sutarya in Tanjung Thursday said the highest percentage of accidents occurred in Sub-district of Kelua or Tanjung segment road to Amuntai, North Hulu Sungai.
"Previously cases of lakalantas mostly occur in the northern region such as Muara Uya, but this year they often occured in Kelua," said Aso.
Data from Tabalong traffic police from January to May 2017 showed 22 cases with 22 deaths, two serious injuries and 13 minor injuries.
Separately, the Head of Tabalong Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency Noor Rifani said the road conditions in Kelua are narrow and many sharp turns are prone to traffic accident.
"Actually Hall of Road and Public Works has proposed to the central government to build a new road so that no longer reside in the banks of the river which caused road narrowing and bend," said Rifani.
Editor : Asmuni Kadri
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