The Free Nutritious Meals program that will be implemented in schools across Indonesia will help instill frugality values in children, encouraging them to avoid a wasteful lifestyle, Primary and Secondary Education Minister (Mendikdasmen) Abdul Mu'ti stated.

"The free lunch program serves as a form of character education for our children," he remarked in Solo City, Central Java, on Sunday.

Mu'ti pointed out that the prioritized program of President Prabowo Subiantio's administration is also expected to build Indonesian young talents' understanding of responsibilities, tolerance, mutual respect, and cleanliness.

The minister further noted that the program, scheduled for a full roll-out on January 2 next year, would be managed and overseen by the National Nutrition Agency (BGN).

"Hence, it (managing task) does not lie on the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. We at the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education only act as a partner institution in the implementation of the Free Nutritious Meals program," he pointed out.

The ministry, however, will provide support to the BGN by delivering circular letters to schools to instruct them to make the most of the meal program as an instrument of character education for their pupils.

"We will instruct schools to make the Free Nutritious Meals program a means to shape students' character by promoting the values brought by the program," he informed.

The government has begun a trial of the program in schools in various regions in a bid to identify and anticipate challenges.

While reviewing such a trial at a public vocational high school in Tangerang City, Banten, on November 21, Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka underscored that the program serves as a strategic step to create a generation of healthy and productive talents.

He also emphasized the need for schools to play an active role in making the program a success.

Related news: Government urged to ensure local foodstuffs used in free meals program
Related news: Lemhanas reviews effectiveness of free meals program
Related news: Minister Wijadi confident in budget set for nutritious meals program

Translator: Aris W, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala


Pewarta: Aris W, Tegar Nurfitra

Editor : Mahdani

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