Head of Kotabaru Regional Revenue Agency Akhmad Rivai and staff visiting Goa Lowo BUMDes in Tegal Rejo Village, Kelumpang Hilir Sub-district.
Regent of Kotabaru Sayed Jafar has boosted locally generated revenue (PAD) significantly through tourism sector during two term of office 2016-2023.
Head of Kotabaru Regional Revenue Agency Akhmad Rivai informed the success after conducting evaluation of targets and realization of income in the first quater of 2023, after visiting Goa Lowo attraction managed by Tegal Rejo Village-owned enterprise (BUMDes), Kelumpang Hilir sub-district.
"The success of revenue from tourism sector is the form of the regent's commitment in carrying out his vision and mission. In 2022 the achievement is IDR602 million from the target of IDR525 million," said Akhmad Rivai here on Wednesday.
Both natural and artificial attraction, such as Gedambaan Beach, Meranti Forest, Mamake Hill, Teluk Tamiang Beach, Samber Gelap Island, Siring Laut, Lowo Cave have an impact on the economic growth of the people of Kotabaru and increasing local taxes and fees.
Since 2016 the realization of tax revenues and fees that support tourism sector allocated in Kotabaru's budget has increased quite significantly, such as hotel taxes, the achievemen was IDR369,096,987 from the target of IDR397,303,151 or 92.90%.
In 2022 the achievement was IDR602,450,488 from the target of IDR525,760,000.
"Restaurant tax in 2016 was IDR7,569,218,247 and in 2022 the achievement was IDR8,964,236,538," said Rivai
Meanwhile, revenue from levies managed by the Tourism, Youth and Sports Agency, such as services for recreation and sport venues, service fees for special parking places in 2016 reached IDR123,432,000 from the target of IDR135,000,000 or 91.43% and in 2022 the achievement was IDR1,299,759,000 from the target of IDR1,204,800,000 or 107,88 percent.
When 2016 compared to 2022, the revenue from regional levies managed by the Tourism Office has achieved 10 times and tourism's contribution supported the Kotabaru locally generated revenue (PAD) through hotel taxes, restaurant taxes, and regional fees managed by government working unit (SKPD) in 2022 amounting to IDR10,866,466,026 or 4.8% of IDR225,433,378,734.
"I am sure that the improvement and deveploment of existing tourist destinations would increase regional income, both from local tax and regional levies," said Rivai.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2023
Regent of Kotabaru Sayed Jafar has boosted locally generated revenue (PAD) significantly through tourism sector during two term of office 2016-2023.
Head of Kotabaru Regional Revenue Agency Akhmad Rivai informed the success after conducting evaluation of targets and realization of income in the first quater of 2023, after visiting Goa Lowo attraction managed by Tegal Rejo Village-owned enterprise (BUMDes), Kelumpang Hilir sub-district.
"The success of revenue from tourism sector is the form of the regent's commitment in carrying out his vision and mission. In 2022 the achievement is IDR602 million from the target of IDR525 million," said Akhmad Rivai here on Wednesday.
Both natural and artificial attraction, such as Gedambaan Beach, Meranti Forest, Mamake Hill, Teluk Tamiang Beach, Samber Gelap Island, Siring Laut, Lowo Cave have an impact on the economic growth of the people of Kotabaru and increasing local taxes and fees.
Since 2016 the realization of tax revenues and fees that support tourism sector allocated in Kotabaru's budget has increased quite significantly, such as hotel taxes, the achievemen was IDR369,096,987 from the target of IDR397,303,151 or 92.90%.
In 2022 the achievement was IDR602,450,488 from the target of IDR525,760,000.
"Restaurant tax in 2016 was IDR7,569,218,247 and in 2022 the achievement was IDR8,964,236,538," said Rivai
Meanwhile, revenue from levies managed by the Tourism, Youth and Sports Agency, such as services for recreation and sport venues, service fees for special parking places in 2016 reached IDR123,432,000 from the target of IDR135,000,000 or 91.43% and in 2022 the achievement was IDR1,299,759,000 from the target of IDR1,204,800,000 or 107,88 percent.
When 2016 compared to 2022, the revenue from regional levies managed by the Tourism Office has achieved 10 times and tourism's contribution supported the Kotabaru locally generated revenue (PAD) through hotel taxes, restaurant taxes, and regional fees managed by government working unit (SKPD) in 2022 amounting to IDR10,866,466,026 or 4.8% of IDR225,433,378,734.
"I am sure that the improvement and deveploment of existing tourist destinations would increase regional income, both from local tax and regional levies," said Rivai.
Read also: Kotabaru distributes nutritional intake to push stunting handling
Read also: Kotabaru PUPR prepares village road access improvement along 2,405 meters
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2023