Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Head of the Banjarmasin Environment Agency (BLHD) Hamdi assess the program to reduce the use of plastic bags in the city was quite successful.

"Plastic bags reduction program that started February 21, 2016 has shown satisfactory results," Hamdi told reporters here on Thursday.

It was, he said, based on the valid data at retail outlets, convenience stores, and mini markets.

Retail outlets show data the agency has researched quite varied. There were retails that could reduce the use of plastic bags by 80 percent, while some were still low at about 40 percent.

This success, because of extension, as well as the role of the mass media both print and electronic media always relaying that information to the public.

In the future, all retails and mini markets are required to provide non-plastic bags, such as those made of woven, bags made of cloth, or bags made of cloth parachute instead of plastic. The importance is their waste easily biodegradable .

He expects the plastic material reduction program should be used as an opportunity to benefit the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), particularly small industry of making bags.
edited by mahdani

Pewarta: Hasan Zainuddin

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2016