Some three schools in Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan, received awards from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) as the 2021 National Adiwiyata schools.

The award were presented at the same time of the “Perempuan dan Alam” talkshow which was held at the Dr. Ir. Soejarwo Auditorium in Jakarta.

Tanah Bumbu Regent HM. Zairullah Azhar represented by Expert Staff of Financial and Development Dahliansyah accompanied by the Head of Environment Agency Mahriyadi attended the handover of the awarding virtually from Digital Live Room (DLR) of the Regent's office.

The awards were handed over by the Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya to the award recipients.

Head of Environment Agency Mahriyadi said the three schools that received the 2021 National Adiwiyata were SMAN 1 Satui, SMPN 1 Simpang Empat, and SMPN 3 Kusan Hilir.

Thankfulnees delivered to the Regent who has fully supported the Adiwiyata schools. Also to the assessment team and the distric supervisors consisting of Environment Agency, Education and Culture Agency, the Office of Religious Affair, KPH Kusan, and Disperkimtan Tanbu and other related parties in supporting the realization of Adiwiyata schools.

"Adiwiyata schools is a school that cares about healthy, clean, and beautiful environment. With the program it is hoped that all communities around the school can realize that green environment is a healthy environment for our health," he said.

Minister Siti Nurbaya said that the awarding of National Adiwiyata has entered the 16th time.

“The concept of award is that the environmental awareness can be carried out through education, including in schools, which has been initiated since 16 years ago and expanded through changes to 2013 Minister of Environment Regulation which replaced with the 2019 LHK Ministerial Regulation concerning the Movement for Care for the Culture of Environment in Schools (PBLHS) which is supported by Adiwiyata award-giving agenda," she said.

GPBLHS is carried out with the hope that Adiwiyata schools to become supporting embrio levers and contribute to the achievement of 20,000 climate Villages in 2025 and can make a significant contribution to the agenda for achieving qualty reduction in Indonesia's greenhouse gas emissions and achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals.

According to data from the LHK Ministry, today there are 4,726 schools have won the National Adiwiyata and Adiwiyata Mandiri from 34 provinces in Indonesia since it was first conducted in 2006. Although this number covers less than two percent of the total 280,000 schools in Indonesia, but the results and impact of the movement can be felt much greater in the community than the percentage that is still small.


Pewarta: Sujud Mariono

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021