The National Intelligence Agency (BIN) administered the first dose of COVID vaccine door-to-door for students and the public in South Kalimantan, including in South Hulu Sungai (HSS).
Head of Operational Division of BIN South Kalimantan Supriyono here on Thursday (Sept 23, 2021) said that the vaccination is held under the directives of President Joko Widodo and Head of BIN General (Retired) Budi Gunawan to accelerate the national vaccination program.
"The aim is of course to reach herd immunity at 70 percent of the national vaccination target in December 2021," he said.
The role of BIN, he explained, is to protect the community by participating in implementing a vaccination program door-to-door targeting students, santri (Islamic boarding school students), and residents.
In HSS, there are two BIN service points, namely in Jambu Hilir and Sungai Raya urban villages. In addition to on-site service, the health team along with BIN staff visited targeted residents at their homes.
BIN also provided mass-vaccination in three other districts, in Tanah Bumbu at Simpang and Satui Sub-districts, in Tanah Laut at Kintap Sub-district, in Tapin at Hatungun Sub-district.
Especially for students, in Tanah Bumbu BIN readied 1.300 doses of vaccine for SMKN 1, 1,200 doses for MAN 2 Banjarmasin, then 1,500 doses for SMAN 2 Martapura and Asmaul Husna Boarding School in Tanah Bumbu.
In Jambu Hilir, HSS, the mass vaccination ran well by applying health protocols. From early morning many people queued to get their turn for vaccines.
HSS Regent H Achmad Fikry accompanied by Head of Health Agency Hj Siti Zainab came to observe the vaccination.
When the service closed at 12.00, there were still residents who came and they were still served.
Related news: BIN conducts door-to-door vaccination drive in six provinces
Related news: BIN conducts door-to-door vaccination in Tapin
Related news: Four days, Banjarmasin's hospital empty of COVID-19 patients
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
Head of Operational Division of BIN South Kalimantan Supriyono here on Thursday (Sept 23, 2021) said that the vaccination is held under the directives of President Joko Widodo and Head of BIN General (Retired) Budi Gunawan to accelerate the national vaccination program.
"The aim is of course to reach herd immunity at 70 percent of the national vaccination target in December 2021," he said.
The role of BIN, he explained, is to protect the community by participating in implementing a vaccination program door-to-door targeting students, santri (Islamic boarding school students), and residents.
In HSS, there are two BIN service points, namely in Jambu Hilir and Sungai Raya urban villages. In addition to on-site service, the health team along with BIN staff visited targeted residents at their homes.
BIN also provided mass-vaccination in three other districts, in Tanah Bumbu at Simpang and Satui Sub-districts, in Tanah Laut at Kintap Sub-district, in Tapin at Hatungun Sub-district.
Especially for students, in Tanah Bumbu BIN readied 1.300 doses of vaccine for SMKN 1, 1,200 doses for MAN 2 Banjarmasin, then 1,500 doses for SMAN 2 Martapura and Asmaul Husna Boarding School in Tanah Bumbu.
In Jambu Hilir, HSS, the mass vaccination ran well by applying health protocols. From early morning many people queued to get their turn for vaccines.
HSS Regent H Achmad Fikry accompanied by Head of Health Agency Hj Siti Zainab came to observe the vaccination.
When the service closed at 12.00, there were still residents who came and they were still served.
Related news: BIN conducts door-to-door vaccination drive in six provinces
Related news: BIN conducts door-to-door vaccination in Tapin
Related news: Four days, Banjarmasin's hospital empty of COVID-19 patients
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021