Banjarmasin Mayor H Ibnu Sina stated that starting July 26 the city government will implement the level 4 public activity restriction (PPKM) but in a humanistic manner.
Ibnu Sina asked officers in the field not to be harsh, let alone be rude.
"I remind you, don't let it happen like what is viral on social media. Residents are also having difficulties and we can both be infected in the field," he said here, Sunday.
The officers are asked to simply give a regular warning and reminded the public about the circulars and protocols that must be implemented during the level 4 PPKM until August 8.
He also asked the public to be adherent, not stubborn, for the sake of common safety and health.
He stated that his party in the city government really understands the current situation and economic condition of the community, which is on average still not normal, coupled with the implementation of level 4 PPKM.
However, he continued, to maintain public safety, the determination of PPKM as it was instructed by the ministry must be carried out to stem the high number of contracting COVID-19.
"We really understand the condition of our society is indeed very difficult today, but after all the government wants to ensure the safety of its citizens. Residents of Banjarmasin must not be infected with COVID-19," said Ibnu Sina.
Related news: Banjarbaru imposes level 4 restriction starting July 26
Related news: 20 Tapin's health workers exposed to COVID-19
In addition to implementing PPKM level 4, according to him, the city government anticipates the wider spread of COVID-19 also prepares treatment rooms in hospitals.
At this time, almost all hospitals in Banjarmasin have added the capacity of inpatient service rooms for COVID-19 patients, 50 percent an average.
PPKM level 4 requires teaching and learning activities in schools, universities, other places of education and training should not be carried out face-to-face.
Entertainment venues, malls, and tourist attractions are closed, only markets for basic needs may be open for a certain time.
Then the activities in the non-essential sector apply for 100 percent Work From Home (WFH).
Read also: Batola-EFI collaborate to develop purun danau
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
Ibnu Sina asked officers in the field not to be harsh, let alone be rude.
"I remind you, don't let it happen like what is viral on social media. Residents are also having difficulties and we can both be infected in the field," he said here, Sunday.
The officers are asked to simply give a regular warning and reminded the public about the circulars and protocols that must be implemented during the level 4 PPKM until August 8.
He also asked the public to be adherent, not stubborn, for the sake of common safety and health.
He stated that his party in the city government really understands the current situation and economic condition of the community, which is on average still not normal, coupled with the implementation of level 4 PPKM.
However, he continued, to maintain public safety, the determination of PPKM as it was instructed by the ministry must be carried out to stem the high number of contracting COVID-19.
"We really understand the condition of our society is indeed very difficult today, but after all the government wants to ensure the safety of its citizens. Residents of Banjarmasin must not be infected with COVID-19," said Ibnu Sina.
Related news: Banjarbaru imposes level 4 restriction starting July 26
Related news: 20 Tapin's health workers exposed to COVID-19
In addition to implementing PPKM level 4, according to him, the city government anticipates the wider spread of COVID-19 also prepares treatment rooms in hospitals.
At this time, almost all hospitals in Banjarmasin have added the capacity of inpatient service rooms for COVID-19 patients, 50 percent an average.
PPKM level 4 requires teaching and learning activities in schools, universities, other places of education and training should not be carried out face-to-face.
Entertainment venues, malls, and tourist attractions are closed, only markets for basic needs may be open for a certain time.
Then the activities in the non-essential sector apply for 100 percent Work From Home (WFH).
Read also: Batola-EFI collaborate to develop purun danau
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021