The Center for Geological Disaster Research and Technology Development (BPPTKG) said Mount Merapi, located between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces, released incandescent lava as far as one kilometer in a southwesterly direction on Sunday from 00.00 a,m to 06.00 a.m. local time.
BPPTKG Head Hanik Humaida said that during the observation period, the volcano has also experienced 28 earthquakes with an amplitude of 3-9 mm for 13-110 seconds, three gust earthquakes with an amplitude of 3-4 mm for 9-22 seconds, and three multi-phase earthquakes with an amplitude of 3-6 mm for seven seconds.
Based on observations on Sunday morning, crater smoke did not come out of the mount.
However, based on observations on Saturday from 00.00 a.m. to 24.00 p.m. local time, Mount Merapi released hot clouds as far as 1,800 meters in the southwesterly direction to the upper reaches of Krasak and Boyong Rivers.
The BPPTKG still maintains the status of Mount Merapi at Level III or Alert.
The lava and hot clouds of Mount Merapi are forecast to impact areas comprising Kuning, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, and Putih in the south to the southwest.
In the meantime, Mount Merapi's volcanic material could disperse as far as three kilometers from the mountain's peak.
Related news: BPPTKG reports sustained high volcanic activity at Mount Merapi
Related news: Merapi's lava dome volume reaches 1.68 million cubic meters
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021