As many as 3,000 heads of families (KK) covering 9,600 residents were affected by flooding in Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan, in the last three days.
"Some 125 families or about 500 people have to flee to several safe places," said Mayor H Ibnu Sina when visiting victims at the evacuation place in south Banjarmasin, Saturday.
Based on data recorded by Banjarmasin Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), he said, there are no fatalities.
Read also: Gambut Sub-district surrounded by flood
Read also: HST flood: Five bodies found, many houses damaged in Hantakan
The city government, he said, had previously declared a flood disaster emergency response status due to the widespread flood condition, thus the command posts and field kitchens have been established in each sub-district.
Some of flood victims also fled to safer places of worship places, schools, and Islamic boarding schools.
He said he will continue to go down the field to see first hand the flood conditions, and provide assistance.
That day, Ibnu Sina and his wife, who is a chairperson of Banjarmasin Family Welfare Movement (PKK), visited the flooded housing in South Banjarmasin and handed out assistance.
"We are distributing assistance for victims in several places in South Banjarmasin, precisely at Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School of) Hidayatulah and Pesantren Al Falah where there are 53 evacuees," he said.
Ibnu Sina appealed to the people afflicted by the flood to continue to be patient and pray that this disaster to pass quickly.
Read also: Banjarmasin receive a grant of school bus
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021
"Some 125 families or about 500 people have to flee to several safe places," said Mayor H Ibnu Sina when visiting victims at the evacuation place in south Banjarmasin, Saturday.
Based on data recorded by Banjarmasin Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), he said, there are no fatalities.
Read also: Gambut Sub-district surrounded by flood
Read also: HST flood: Five bodies found, many houses damaged in Hantakan
The city government, he said, had previously declared a flood disaster emergency response status due to the widespread flood condition, thus the command posts and field kitchens have been established in each sub-district.
Some of flood victims also fled to safer places of worship places, schools, and Islamic boarding schools.
He said he will continue to go down the field to see first hand the flood conditions, and provide assistance.
That day, Ibnu Sina and his wife, who is a chairperson of Banjarmasin Family Welfare Movement (PKK), visited the flooded housing in South Banjarmasin and handed out assistance.
"We are distributing assistance for victims in several places in South Banjarmasin, precisely at Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School of) Hidayatulah and Pesantren Al Falah where there are 53 evacuees," he said.
Ibnu Sina appealed to the people afflicted by the flood to continue to be patient and pray that this disaster to pass quickly.
Read also: Banjarmasin receive a grant of school bus
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021