The Regent of Banjar Khalilurrahman signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Board of Directors of the Indonesian News Agency (LKBN) Antara on dissemination of information for public.
The regent, togeher with other regional heads from seven districts and cities, signed the MoU with Antara's Director of Finance & HRD Nina Kurnia Dewi.
In addition, Head of Banjar Communication-Informatics, Statistics, and Encoding Agency Farid Soufian signed an agreement of cooperation with CEO of Antara Digital Media Darmadi.
Darmadi in his presentation explained about the public information service and the benefits of their cooperation with the Antara as news instituion owned by the state.
"We will prepare digital media for the district and city government who cooperate with us in the form of videotron to be place at the open space (outdoor) or indoors," Darmadi pointed out.
The digital media is given by the Antara, so it will not burden the districts or cities's finance. They only need to prepare the location and handling it licenses.
The videotron will be placed at strategic locations, so all information will be seen by the public, while digital television is prepared at the center of public service, such as hospital, Civil Registry and Population Office (Disdukcapil), and other offices.
"Information to be presented in the videotron 60 percent from Antara and 40 percent from the local government, thus it will help to disseminate public information," he said.
The advantage gained from the cooperation is the informations coming into videotron or digital television will be seen not only domestically, but abroad as well.
"We are working with news agencies and embassies in various countries thus the information broadcasted by Antara through digital media will also be known by people from abroad," he said.
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Regent Khalilurrahman thanked the cooperation that had been agreed in the frame work of information dessimination until local people can receive them quickly and accurately.
"We are very grateful and this cooperation is very important, because digital media is now needed to deliver information quickly, accurately, and important to the whole people," he remarked.
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Especially for the district's potentials in nature and religy tourism, he added, the existance of the videotron or indoor digital television will be very helpful to Banjar District Government.
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The signing cooperation also attended by regent of Bangli, regentof Boul, Gorontalo Utara, the city administration of Jayapura, Lubuk Linggau, Sukabumi, and Metro.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
The regent, togeher with other regional heads from seven districts and cities, signed the MoU with Antara's Director of Finance & HRD Nina Kurnia Dewi.
In addition, Head of Banjar Communication-Informatics, Statistics, and Encoding Agency Farid Soufian signed an agreement of cooperation with CEO of Antara Digital Media Darmadi.
Darmadi in his presentation explained about the public information service and the benefits of their cooperation with the Antara as news instituion owned by the state.
"We will prepare digital media for the district and city government who cooperate with us in the form of videotron to be place at the open space (outdoor) or indoors," Darmadi pointed out.
The digital media is given by the Antara, so it will not burden the districts or cities's finance. They only need to prepare the location and handling it licenses.
The videotron will be placed at strategic locations, so all information will be seen by the public, while digital television is prepared at the center of public service, such as hospital, Civil Registry and Population Office (Disdukcapil), and other offices.
"Information to be presented in the videotron 60 percent from Antara and 40 percent from the local government, thus it will help to disseminate public information," he said.
The advantage gained from the cooperation is the informations coming into videotron or digital television will be seen not only domestically, but abroad as well.
"We are working with news agencies and embassies in various countries thus the information broadcasted by Antara through digital media will also be known by people from abroad," he said.
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Regent Khalilurrahman thanked the cooperation that had been agreed in the frame work of information dessimination until local people can receive them quickly and accurately.
"We are very grateful and this cooperation is very important, because digital media is now needed to deliver information quickly, accurately, and important to the whole people," he remarked.
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Especially for the district's potentials in nature and religy tourism, he added, the existance of the videotron or indoor digital television will be very helpful to Banjar District Government.
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The signing cooperation also attended by regent of Bangli, regentof Boul, Gorontalo Utara, the city administration of Jayapura, Lubuk Linggau, Sukabumi, and Metro.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019