The Community Health Center of Marabahan (Puskesmas Marabahan) has been undergoing accreditation to improve it service as the Ministry of Health's Accreditation Surveyor Team came to accredit it, Thusday (Oct 31, 2019).
The team leader Herawati, an administrative surveyor, accompanied by a surveyor in the field of individual health effort Henny Rianty and public heath surveyor Abdul Azis Efendy SKM MKes.
The purpose of puskesmas accreditation is to foster improvements in the quality of performance through continuous improvement of the management system, quality management system, service delivery system and risk management programs and implementation.
While the assessment by team was to determine the improvement of the status of accreditation, such as from madya to utama and even paripurna. The team was planned to stay for three days in Marabahan to do the assessment.
Interestingly, their coming, accompanied by Barito Kuala (Batola) Regent Hj Noormiliyani AS, Head of Health Agency Hj Azizah, Head of Marabahan Sub-district Eko Purnama Sakti, Chairwoman of TP-PKK Winda Rukmana, chiefs of villages and urban villages, and Acting Head of Puskesmas Marabahan Mardiati and the ranks was welcomed with a traditional dance performed by Sanggar Permata Ije Jela.
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The regent remarked that since 2016 until 2018 as many as 19 puskesmas have conducted accreditation, with the result one puskesmas won a status of utama accreditation, six accredited madya, and 12 other with basic status.
In 2019, six puskesmas in the district to undergo re-survey (re-accreditation), one of which is Puskesmas Marabahan. The regent hoped the Puskesmas Marabahan will pass it and succeed.
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Noormiliyani, a former speaker of South Kalimantan Legislative Council (DPRD), said one of the target of accreditation is the improvement of the quality of health service as the main target of health development in the medium term of development plan (RPJM) of the district and the strategic plan of Ministry of Health.
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In this regard, she said, improving the quality of health through puskesmas accreditation is an effort to improve public health to the highest, integrated, comprehensive, and continuous.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
The team leader Herawati, an administrative surveyor, accompanied by a surveyor in the field of individual health effort Henny Rianty and public heath surveyor Abdul Azis Efendy SKM MKes.
The purpose of puskesmas accreditation is to foster improvements in the quality of performance through continuous improvement of the management system, quality management system, service delivery system and risk management programs and implementation.
While the assessment by team was to determine the improvement of the status of accreditation, such as from madya to utama and even paripurna. The team was planned to stay for three days in Marabahan to do the assessment.
Interestingly, their coming, accompanied by Barito Kuala (Batola) Regent Hj Noormiliyani AS, Head of Health Agency Hj Azizah, Head of Marabahan Sub-district Eko Purnama Sakti, Chairwoman of TP-PKK Winda Rukmana, chiefs of villages and urban villages, and Acting Head of Puskesmas Marabahan Mardiati and the ranks was welcomed with a traditional dance performed by Sanggar Permata Ije Jela.
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The regent remarked that since 2016 until 2018 as many as 19 puskesmas have conducted accreditation, with the result one puskesmas won a status of utama accreditation, six accredited madya, and 12 other with basic status.
In 2019, six puskesmas in the district to undergo re-survey (re-accreditation), one of which is Puskesmas Marabahan. The regent hoped the Puskesmas Marabahan will pass it and succeed.
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Noormiliyani, a former speaker of South Kalimantan Legislative Council (DPRD), said one of the target of accreditation is the improvement of the quality of health service as the main target of health development in the medium term of development plan (RPJM) of the district and the strategic plan of Ministry of Health.
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In this regard, she said, improving the quality of health through puskesmas accreditation is an effort to improve public health to the highest, integrated, comprehensive, and continuous.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019