Amuntai, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - The Capital Investment, One-Stop Integrated Services and Manpower Agency (DPMPTSP dan Naker) now busy to work with other agencies to promote the potential investment of the district.
"We need to input data from the Agriculture, Fisheries Agency, Trade and Industry Agency (Disperindag) and others to develop a clear concept of potential investments to be offered to investors," said Head of Investment Division Amos Silitonga.
Amos said exhibition activities outside the region have so far still in the form of introducing handicrafts and superior products, but not yet in the form of investment concepts that could attract investors. While his agency was less involved in various promotional activities outside the region.
Head of HSU Regional Economy and HR Muhammad Rafiq agreed the investment potential promotion of HSU is still very little or limited.
"Perhaps the promotion strategy needs to be intensified so that investors are interested in investing," Rafiq said.
He admits to being a dilemma in carrying out investment promotions, if the resources of the district have not been carefully prepared.
"Investments in creative industries, such as crafts, still lack of raw materials and human resources, while tourism is still limited to supporting infrastructure," Rafiq explained.
This is precisely the importance, Rafiq continued, how the regional government synergizes various agencies to develop an investment concept could be offered to investors.
So far, he said, the potential of fisheries and processed fish products are still carried out traditionally and on a small scale. Marketing of aquaculture products is also still controlled by middlemen.
"We indeed have a desire to cooperate with the DPMPTSP dan Naker until investors are interested in investing their capital into fish processing industry, that will help with various problems faced by cultivating and capturing farmers," said Acting Head of Fisheries Agency Ismarlita.
The presence of investors will not disrupt the development of industry and SMEs, because the scheme will need each other. Large industries need supply of raw materials and semi-finished products from SMEs.
The Head of the Capital Investment, One-Stop Integrated Services and Manpower Agency M Syarif Fajeriannor explained that the HSU Government is now compiling documents about investment opportunities from various sectors.
"In general, the potential map of the HSU area is in the agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and household scale sectors. Natural resource is in the form of swamp stretches almost 89% of the HSU area has challenges and obstacles," he said.
Previously there were investors who were interested in managing swamps for oil palm plantations, but the Ministry of Forestry determined HSU swamp areas to be protected forest areas, so as long as this regulation still applies, swamps cannot be offered to investors.
"In the past few years, Pertamina researchers have also conducted research on the potential of natural resources in the bowels of the earth. HSU is believed to contain young iron ore, hopefully it can become our potential in the future," said Syarif.