Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - The Regent of Kotabaru H Muhammad Rusli visited the Pangeran Jaya Sumitra Regional Hospital (RSUD) to make sure that services run optimally.
The Regent in his visit pointed out the importance of improving services for the community.
"With this visit, after I see and understand, hopefully in the future we will improve, from facilities and infrastructure, medical health workers, and others," he said.
He hopes that services to all patients in Pangeran Jaya Sumitra Kotabaru run well.
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"I relize that we still have shortcomings related to health. I went around to all polyclinics, Insya Allah together with saya Deputy Regent, DPRD, and Health Office team, we will collaborate efforts to improve health services in Kotabaru District," he expounded.
He asked Director of Pangeran Jaya Sumitra Hospital, all doctors, health workers and staff to remain enthusiastic and improve the quality of services.
"In the future I hope that all elements, doctors and health office, to synergize in improving services, because it is very important to guarantee health services to the public," he said.
During the visit, the Rgent of Kotabaru was accompanied by Chairwoman of TP PKK Kotabaru, speaker and deputies of DPRD. They were welcomed by director of the hospital and his staff.
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