Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Chairman of Kotabaru DPRD Syairi Mukhlis handed over 1,085 residents' proposals or aspiration (pokir) from the 2023 recess in the local electoral districts (dapil) to the district government.
The results of recess for 35 DPRD members were submitted during the Development Planning Consultation for the 2025 Government Work Plan (Musrenbang RKPD 2025), which was organized by the Board of Development Planning (Bapeda) at the Sebelimbingan Office Complex in Kotabaru.
"We convey the results of the recess and visit of all DPRD members in four electoral districts," said Mukhlis in Kotabaru, Saturday.
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The community's proposal through the legislators were focused on improving infrastructure of district roads, neighborhood roads, bridges, and issue on meeting economic needs.
"We hope that this proposal would serve as a guide to the development in 2025," he said.
Mukhlis also said that in the electoral district one, covering Pulau laut Utara, Pulau Laut Sigam, Pulau Laut Timur, and Pulau Sebuku many people proposed the completion of Stagen Hospital construction so it will be of special concern of the regional government.
"The problem is that Pangeran Jaya Sumitra Hospital cannot accomodate the number of people who need health services," he explained.
He acknowledged that the target of the local government to moving the hospital at the same time with the migration of offices to Sebelimbingan Office Complex was still hampered.
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