Kotabaru, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo declares a memorandum of understanding between Kotabaru, South Kalimantan, with Majene, West Sulawesi, on Sebuku Block participating interst valid for 12 months.
"Furthermore, both sides have the opportunity to know each other and negotiate to decide the possibility of increasing stages of a cooperation agreement," said Head of Kotabaru Public Relations Rahadiyan Riyadi here on Friday, citing Interior Minister in Jakarta.
Vice President Yusuf Kalla, who attended the signing of the MoU on PI in Jakarta congratulated the settlement of for years disputes only by half an hour. If there is nothing, the border issue would be left alone. However, because there are contents considered essential, then the border issue is also so important.
According to Vice President, the dispute is not fighting for the content, but both regions compete for the chance to the welfare of society.
Earlier, Chairman of the Kotabaru Assembly Hj Alfisah assessed PI-sharing agreements between West Sulawesi and South Kalimantan on managing of oil and gas of Sebuku Block in Larilarian Island was profitable for Kotabaru.
The MoU signing was also attended by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, West Sulawesi Governor Anwar Adnan Saleh, Majene Regent Kalma Katta, Kotabaru Regent Irhami Rijani and South Kalimantan Governor Rudy Ariffin.
Pearl Oil and gas company from Thailand have been exploring the Sebuku Block since October 2013. However, until now the administration of PI to South Kalimantan and West Sulawesi has not been done, because both region involved in dispute.
Sebuku Block has estimated 370 billion cubic feet (BCF) gas reserves, which is relatively large. Later, the exploitation of gas in this region will use seabed pipelines connected to refineries in Senipah Bontang, East Kalimantan, along the 300 kilometer.
Previously, Regent H Irhami Ridjani said if Kotabaru to seek redress for the exploitation of oil and gas in Block Sebuku, then Kotabaru will prosper because it has a budget of more than three trillion.