Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Tanah Laut Police destroyed narcotics evidence resulting from the disclosure of 37.19 grams of methamphetamine (sabu-sabu) by the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnrkoba) and the district police ranks.
The meth was blended by the Tanah Laut Chief of Police Ad Sr comr (AKBP) Sentot Adi Dharmawan along with elements of the regional leadership coordination forum (Forkopimda).
"In total there are five suspects out of five cases revealed from evidence destroyed this time," Sentot pointed out.
The Tanah Laut drug detectives uncovered 4 narcotics cases and arrested 4 suspects with evidence of 17.24 grams of meth.
Then another case was revealed by Jorong Police Station who arrested one suspect and seized 19.26 grams of meth.
Sentot emphasized the illicit drug trafficking eradication efforts to continue to suppress the movement of the network of dealers running illicit business in Bumi Tuntung Pandang (Tanah Laut).
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In addition to law enforcement against dealers, Sentot also stressed prevention efforts to be increased such as socialization and education to various groups of people to school children.
"If dealers play here, it means there are drug addicts who are looking for the goods. For that reason, our efforts together with all elements of the community to sensitize abusers to seek treatment and undergo rehabilitation at BNN. The community must know that the rehabilitation program is free. So, before he was caught, he would voluntarily come to the drug unit Satresnarkoba to report as an addict who wanted to be healed, "said Sentot.
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While the Head of Drug Detective Unit Adj Comr (AKP) Yuda Kumoro Pardede added, during the period of August 2019, a total of 7 suspects were secured from 6 cases with evidence of 23.65 grams of meth.