Barabai, (Antaranews) - Indigenous Dayak Meratus
in Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Regency, South Kalimantan, rejected the
government's plan to open the local oil palm plantations in the forests and
Institute of Indigenous South Kalimantan (Lembaga Masyarakat Adat Kalimantan Selatan) asked local government to reconsider
before opening a palm plantation in the mountains Meratus.
"The region is not without occupants but there are indigenous Dayak
dwelling and if oil palm plantations only bring harm, we refuse," said
Hadi Irawan, a representative of the
institute in Barabai, the capital of HST on Thursday.
Plans of clearing forests for palm oil plantations by the local authority
revealed when the Dayak Meratus caught two representatives of PT Agung Lestari
Globalindo activities in indigenous forests February 3.
When questioned, they claimed to have been surveying and mapping coordinates to
the point of taking permission from the local district plan related to clearing
forests for oil palm and rubber.
"Taking coordinates of points covering Banyu Panas, Patikalain Pantai Uwang
and in sub-District Hantakan, all of which are residential areas of indigenous
Dayak Meratus," he said.
The local government plans to open palm oil plantation area of ​​22,000 hectares, which includes eight sub-districts.
For the sub Hantakan covers 12 villages all of which are residential areas of indigenous
Dayak Meratus.
"Of the 12 villages, the company has done socialization in five
villages," he added.
When meeting with the Institute of Indigenous South Kalimantan, the PR company
said it would provide three options to local indigenous Dayak Meratus. The first
choice is land compensation, second is plasma will be issued for existing
plantation and third is a removal.
He added that the third alternative is quite confusing because there is no
"Does it mean removed from residential areas or how, it is not clear from
the company," he said.
Hopefully, local governments undertake research paper prior to the plight of
indigenous Dayak Meratus before issuing a policy of opening oil palm
Oil Palm Plantation Threatens Meratus
Jumat, 15 Maret 2013 13:06 WIB