Regent South Hulu Sungai (HSS) H Achmad Fikry said free school bus was the district innovations as a solution to reduce two-wheeled riders, especially among students who did not meet the requirements to get a driver's license, also maintain their safety on the road.
The regent spoke when delivering a presentation in front of the 2019 Wahana Tata Nugraha (WTN) award assessment team at the Alila Hotel Hall, Jakarta.
"Appreciation is not a goal. We must continue to work and work for the community, but when the central government gives awards we must prove that the HSS is worthy to win it," he said.
He stated that his government did not pursue awards, but if the award could be achieved there would be a value of the rupiah to be disbursed behind. This is better in increasing the budget than the government earns income from street vendors whose value is not much.
WTN is an award given by the Government of Indonesia to cities that are able to organize public transportation well. This award is given every year, usually in April.
Assessment is carried out on the categories of metropolitan, big cities, medium cities, and small cities. The aspect of sustainable transportation arrangement, based on public interest and environmentally friendly gets the biggest consideration.
In 2019, prospective WTN recipients are required to present before an assessment team from various fields of expertise. HSS is expected to succeed in obtaining the WTN from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation so it is proof that HSS is equal and can compete up to the national level.
The presentation was initiated by the head of the South Kalimantan Land Transportation Management Office and Head of the South Kalimantan Transportation Agency H. Rusdiansyah, who said that HSS is a district that always coordinates and communicates actively on every occasion.
Also present were the Head of the Traffic Unit of HSS Police Apriyansa S, the heads of the relevant Regional Organizational Unit (OPD), the ranks of the HSS Transportation Office listened to questions, suggestions, and the assessment team's response after the presentation from the HSS Regent.
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019
The regent spoke when delivering a presentation in front of the 2019 Wahana Tata Nugraha (WTN) award assessment team at the Alila Hotel Hall, Jakarta.
"Appreciation is not a goal. We must continue to work and work for the community, but when the central government gives awards we must prove that the HSS is worthy to win it," he said.
He stated that his government did not pursue awards, but if the award could be achieved there would be a value of the rupiah to be disbursed behind. This is better in increasing the budget than the government earns income from street vendors whose value is not much.
WTN is an award given by the Government of Indonesia to cities that are able to organize public transportation well. This award is given every year, usually in April.
Assessment is carried out on the categories of metropolitan, big cities, medium cities, and small cities. The aspect of sustainable transportation arrangement, based on public interest and environmentally friendly gets the biggest consideration.
In 2019, prospective WTN recipients are required to present before an assessment team from various fields of expertise. HSS is expected to succeed in obtaining the WTN from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation so it is proof that HSS is equal and can compete up to the national level.
The presentation was initiated by the head of the South Kalimantan Land Transportation Management Office and Head of the South Kalimantan Transportation Agency H. Rusdiansyah, who said that HSS is a district that always coordinates and communicates actively on every occasion.
Also present were the Head of the Traffic Unit of HSS Police Apriyansa S, the heads of the relevant Regional Organizational Unit (OPD), the ranks of the HSS Transportation Office listened to questions, suggestions, and the assessment team's response after the presentation from the HSS Regent.
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2019