Regent Tapin HM Arifin Arpan visited the state junior high school SMPN 2 Tapin Tengah in an educational safari series while providing assistance in the framework of the 2019 Computer-Based National Examination (UNBK), Wednesday (20/3).

"Our visit today is to see the readiness of students and the board of teachers in the 2019 UNBK which will soon be held," he said.

"We hope students in schools that are far from cities to make achievements and not lose to students who study in cities," he said again.

Principal H Hamdan Najmi reported, the central point of SMPN 2 Tapin Tengah is on Jalan Jendral Sudirman and Papagan Makmur Village. It is known as a school application or distance education class.

"It used to be the only center in Papagan Makmur, because there were not many students. Now there are two, namely in Papagan Makmur and Pandahan Villages, still active as application schools or remote education classes," he said.

Hamdan hopes that the visit of the regent at his school can spur the enthusiasm of his students to continue to improve their quality.

Pewarta: Muhammad Husien Asyari

Editor : Mahdani

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