Kotabaru, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - The head of Bumi Asih Village, Kelumpang Selatan Sub-District, Kotabaru, Supardi initiated the construction of the 800-meter road as access to the site of the ancient mosque in the forest area of former Tamiyang Village.

The Tamiyang Mosque which is said to have been founded in 1917 is about 2 Km from Bumi Asih. In recent times it has been visited by many people, not only the surrounding community but also from other regions, even outside the island.

According to Supardi, so far the people who want to visit, whether just looking around, making pilgrimages or wanting to pray in the mosque have difficulties because the path is only accessible by foot or motorbike.

"They must also pass through the jungle and oil palm plantations so that people who want to go to the mosque are in difficult," said Supardi.

Therefore, he continued, the village government took the initiative to make roads through the palm oil plantations of the residents and the surrounding forests to the site until it could be passed by four-wheeled vehicles.

Pewarta: Shohib

Editor : Mahdani

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