Marabahan, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - Hundreds of residents filled the Jejangkit Subdistrict, Barito Kuala (Batola), South Kalimantan, for a reforestation, Saturday (29/9).

They planted green trees on the right and left of the road where 1,700 seeds of trembesi ((Samanea saman), tanjung (Mimusops elengi), angsana  (Pterocarpus indicus), and mahagony were provided by the Batola Environment Agency (DLH). 

Tree planting involves all head of government agencies and their staff and all levels of society in order to succeed the commemoration of World Food Day (HPS) to be centered on Jejangkit Muara, 20 October.

The action was marked by the distribution of greening tree seeds, cleaning tools in the form of brooms, drums, trash cans, hanging pots and flowers to each representative.

Batola Regent Hj Noormiliyani and Deputy Regent H Rahmadian Noor, who accompanied by the wife Hj Saraswati Dwi Putranti, Secretary of District Supriyono accompanied by the wife Hj Sri Wahyuningsih, and the Forkompimda (members regional leader communication forums) each with wife.

"By involving citizens directly, it will certainly be able to foster a sense of love and care for the environment," said the Head of the Organizing Committee, Taufikurrahman.

The Head of the DLH Conservation Division added that the greening was also equipped with ornamental plants namely bougainvillea, pucuk merah, and ketapang kencana.

Pewarta: Arianto

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2018