Martapura, S Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - Farmers in Kahelaan Village, Banjar District, South Kalimantan, succeeded in their try to develop onion plants in hilly areas and flourishing during the dry season.

Head of Banjar Food and Horticulture (TPH) Agency Mochammad Fachry in Martapura on Sunday said the onions planted by farmers in Sungai Pinang Subdistrict are from Brebes variety.

"Although it was only a trial, the results obtained by onions are quite encouraging and thrive in the hills even though they are planted in the dry season," he said.

He said the area of one hectare of land planted was able to produce a harvest of up to six tons with a planting time of 65 days.

According to him, if the onion plant is maintained for up to 75 days the results are bigger and beneficial for farmers.

"We are very happy about this harvest and the information that farmers have invested on one hectare of land is Rp50.5 million and is sold Rp15 thousand per kilogram so that the income potential is Rp90 million," he said.

According to him, previously the TPH of Banjar had failed several times in developing shallots because the weather made the plants not grow normally.

"Now it has succeeded and we will deliver the onion harvest in Kahelaan Village to the South Kalimantan TPH Office to support its development," he said. 
Meanwhile, Field Agriculture Counselor of Kahelaan Village, Lutfi, said that the onion plant was a help from the South Kalimantan Provincial Government.

The farmers who were handed over to plant the onions were Udi, Hadi Laksono, and Yandi who were members of the Sri Rejeki Farmers Group under the auspices of Gapoktan Harapan Masa.

"Initially tried the demonstration plot in 1 borong or 17 X 17 meters and succeeded. From the seedlings planted it can harvest up to eight times and this success was then developed on a wider land," he said.

The chosen land is hills but is on the edge of the river so it is easier to water and be planted during the dry season, so it needs a continuous water source, he said.

Pewarta: Yose Rizal

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2018