The Task Force of the 123rd TNI Integrated Village Development (TMMD) of the 1004/Kotabaru District Military Command (Kodim) initiated a gotong-royong (mutual cooperation) with residents to clean up retention basins (embung) for Talusi Village, Pamukan Selatan Sub-district, Kotabaru District.

Commander of the Task Force (Dansatgas) Lt. Col. Inf. Bayu Oktavianto Sudibyo said this gotong royong showed a real example of synergy between TNI (Indonesian Military), government, and the community in improving the quality of environment.

Read also: Kotabaru's 123rd TMMD conducts free nutritious meal trial

"We hope that this gotong royong activity can help improve the quality of environment and facilitate water access for people in Talusi Village," he said.

Talusi Village residents who attended the gotong royong welcome the activity and hoped that it will improve the quality of their environment.

"We are very happy with this gotong royong activity. We hope it will improve the quality of our environment," said one of Talusi Village residents.

The mutual cooperation (gotong royong) was attended by Talusi villagers, members of the TMMD Task Force, and the local government. 

The activity aims to clean the reservoir from rubbish and mud which can disrupt water access for villagers.

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Pewarta: Ahmad Nurahsin Q

Editor : Mahdani

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