University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) won overall champion at The 3rd Indonesian Public Health Olympiad (IPHO) 2024 organized by Association of Indonesian Public Health Higher Education Institutions (AIPTKMI) at the Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan.
"Congratulations to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) for bringing the good name of ULM at the national stage through IPHO," said ULM Rector Professor Ahmad Alim Bachri in Banjarmasin, Monday.
ULM appeared as overall champion by wining a total 15 championships from 12 competitions, including first place in National Health Program Planning competition on behalf of Muhammad Syarif, Yoga Putra Wibowo and Annisa Mutia Rahmah.
First place in Educational Video competition won by Aura Salsabila Yunizar Putri, Assyifa Aulia Rahmini and Hana Nazwarini.
Then, Habibah Saí’dah and Shofa Yulia Rizki won first place in the National Written Ideas Scientific Writing competition, and first place in National Poster competition won by Agus Salim.
Read also: ULM wins Anatomy Olimpiad four years consecutively
In addition, ULM delegate Alfitri Chellyadiza won second place in the Selection of Outstanding Public Health Student which was also held at the 3rd IPHO.
Alim said that ULM's FKIK had made thorough preparation for participation in 3rd IPHO 2024 held by AIPTKMI.
The faculty applies a PPEPP quality cycle-based approach, namely planning, implementing, evaluating, controlling , and improving in providing assistance and coaching.
Even, the FKIK has set a target to increase the achievements of ULM students in IPHO event, both through individual or team awards, by prioritizing innovations and creativity.
To this end, the universit and the faculty has designed various programs that not only motivate students, but also provide recognition and appreciation for their achievements.
One of FKIK strategic steps is to include IPHO material in the curriculum as part of coursework, so that students can be more focus and have sufficient time to prepare.
Students who gain achievements receive regognition in the form of course conversions, addition credits in the SKKM (Student Activity Credit System), as well as awards at the annual student appreciaton.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024
"Congratulations to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) for bringing the good name of ULM at the national stage through IPHO," said ULM Rector Professor Ahmad Alim Bachri in Banjarmasin, Monday.
ULM appeared as overall champion by wining a total 15 championships from 12 competitions, including first place in National Health Program Planning competition on behalf of Muhammad Syarif, Yoga Putra Wibowo and Annisa Mutia Rahmah.
First place in Educational Video competition won by Aura Salsabila Yunizar Putri, Assyifa Aulia Rahmini and Hana Nazwarini.
Then, Habibah Saí’dah and Shofa Yulia Rizki won first place in the National Written Ideas Scientific Writing competition, and first place in National Poster competition won by Agus Salim.
Read also: ULM wins Anatomy Olimpiad four years consecutively
In addition, ULM delegate Alfitri Chellyadiza won second place in the Selection of Outstanding Public Health Student which was also held at the 3rd IPHO.
Alim said that ULM's FKIK had made thorough preparation for participation in 3rd IPHO 2024 held by AIPTKMI.
The faculty applies a PPEPP quality cycle-based approach, namely planning, implementing, evaluating, controlling , and improving in providing assistance and coaching.
Even, the FKIK has set a target to increase the achievements of ULM students in IPHO event, both through individual or team awards, by prioritizing innovations and creativity.
To this end, the universit and the faculty has designed various programs that not only motivate students, but also provide recognition and appreciation for their achievements.
One of FKIK strategic steps is to include IPHO material in the curriculum as part of coursework, so that students can be more focus and have sufficient time to prepare.
Students who gain achievements receive regognition in the form of course conversions, addition credits in the SKKM (Student Activity Credit System), as well as awards at the annual student appreciaton.
Read also: ULM greens mangrove wetland laboratory in Kotabaru
Read also: ULM creates electric car for operation on campus
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024