The government of Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) District, South Kalimantan, held a talk show with a theme "Optimizing Role of Government and Community in Maintaining Education Quality".

Head of HSU Education and Culture Office (Diskominfo) Rahman Heriadi said that this event was to support education transformation and increase the role of government and society, especially educators and education personnel (PTK) in maintaining quality of education.

Rahman Heriadi in his remarks said that HSU is one of the districts with low financial budget, so it needs thinking and steps to maximize the budget, one of which is through this event.

"This is one of our efforts, where the government and society involvement is very important and we hope that ideas, actions or efforts will emerge (here) to improve the quality of education in each school," he said on Monday (Dec 9, 2024).

He acknowledged that the government in this case has an obligation to provide adequate budget, developing relevant curriculum, guiding teaching staff, and providing adequate facilities and infrastructure as well as implementing policies that support quality of education as proof of involvement in  the world of education.

While the role of community in building quality education, he said, is very important. They are expected to actively participate in school activities, provide financial support, monitor school performance and creating condusive environent of school. Thus, community's role in improving quality of education is real.

The talk show was filled with materials about the government's and society's role in education delivered by three speakers who were competent in their fields. It was attended by 184 elementary school principals throughout HSU.

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Pewarta: Alya

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024