The City Government of Banjarmasin won the Gadjah Mada Digital Transformation Governance Index (GM-DTGI) Award 2024 as the best in digital transformation in South Kalimantan and the seventh best nationally. 

Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria handed over the award to the city government represented by Head of Informatics Appications at the Banjarmasin Communications, Informatics and Statistcs Office (Diskominfotik) H.A. Agung Saptoto, M.Kom, as informed by the office through a press release, Saturday.

The awarding was held at National Seminar and Release of GM-DTGI organized by Center for Information System Studies (PKSI) of University of Gadjah Mada's Faculty of Economics and Business in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

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The award was given as an appreciation to the best regional governments in each category, so it became a trigger for the regions to improve their digital transformation. Not noly at technological level, but also in governance and involvement of all parties.

"We receive the award from the Gadjah Mada Digital Transformation Governance Index or GM-DTGI Award 2024," said the Head of Informatics Appications.

He explained that this appreciation was assessed based on the readiness of the city or district with 7 pillars based on GM-DTGI index that had been implemented.

"Banjarmasin has Banjarmasin Pintar super app which contains 2 apps, related to government and public services," he said.

In addition, Smart City and SPBE index are also included in the GM-DTGI assessment.

"The 2023 Banjarmasin Smart City index is 3,31, while SPBE is 4.0. This is a very good achievement, because it is the best for Central Indonesia and East Indonesia," he expounded.

He hopes this office (Diskominfotik) to represent the city be better in the future by further improving digital transformation, so it is truly beneficial for the public.

Read also: Banjarmasin holds Indonesian Heritage Cities Expo 2024


Pewarta: Hasan Zainuddin

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024