Head of the Kotabaru-Batulicin Port Authority and Harbormaster Office (KSOP) Taufan Eka Putra called all parties to work together to protect and maintain the maritime environment for sailing safety.
"Let us protect and preserve marine and river ecosystem by not throwing waste or garbage of any type into them," said Taufan in Batulicin, Friday (July 26, 2024).
He said maintaining sailing safety and protecting the maritime environment is a shared responsibility.
Meanwhile, he continued, the Kotabaru-Batulicin KSOP regularly disseminates Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 58 of 2013 concerning Pollution Handling in Waterways and Harbors to prevent marine pollution.
It also socializes Government Regulation No. 21 of 2010 concerning Maritime Environment Protection to port business entities (BUP), self-use terminals (TUKS) and special terminals (tersus).
Taufan said the activities were the starting step to maintain and ensure the implementation of maritime protection and as a follow-up to oil spill in waters and ports.
Read also: Container growth in Batulicin driven by vegetables and coal: Pelindo
He pointed out the need for a rapid,,precise, integrated and coordinated countermeasures system to control, minimize and clean up source of pollution, such as oil spill or other materials into waters or ports so as to minimize public losses and environmental damage.
"This needs to be known and understood simultaneously, so there are no misperceptions in carrying out tasks in the field later," said Taufaan.
KSOP as the mission coordinate (MC) for pollution handling in the Kotabaru-Batulicin work area collaborates with BUP, TUKS, Tersus to preserve marine and river ecosystem, especially at the Kotabaru-Batulicin ports.
Taufan emphasized that all ships operating in the Kotabaru-Batulicin work area must comply with environmental standards set by the government.
Read also: After Tuban quake, Pelni ships on Batulicin-Surabaya route operate normally
Read also: Six ships ready to serve Eid transportation: KSOP Batulicin
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024
"Let us protect and preserve marine and river ecosystem by not throwing waste or garbage of any type into them," said Taufan in Batulicin, Friday (July 26, 2024).
He said maintaining sailing safety and protecting the maritime environment is a shared responsibility.
Meanwhile, he continued, the Kotabaru-Batulicin KSOP regularly disseminates Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 58 of 2013 concerning Pollution Handling in Waterways and Harbors to prevent marine pollution.
It also socializes Government Regulation No. 21 of 2010 concerning Maritime Environment Protection to port business entities (BUP), self-use terminals (TUKS) and special terminals (tersus).
Taufan said the activities were the starting step to maintain and ensure the implementation of maritime protection and as a follow-up to oil spill in waters and ports.
Read also: Container growth in Batulicin driven by vegetables and coal: Pelindo
He pointed out the need for a rapid,,precise, integrated and coordinated countermeasures system to control, minimize and clean up source of pollution, such as oil spill or other materials into waters or ports so as to minimize public losses and environmental damage.
"This needs to be known and understood simultaneously, so there are no misperceptions in carrying out tasks in the field later," said Taufaan.
KSOP as the mission coordinate (MC) for pollution handling in the Kotabaru-Batulicin work area collaborates with BUP, TUKS, Tersus to preserve marine and river ecosystem, especially at the Kotabaru-Batulicin ports.
Taufan emphasized that all ships operating in the Kotabaru-Batulicin work area must comply with environmental standards set by the government.
Read also: After Tuban quake, Pelni ships on Batulicin-Surabaya route operate normally
Read also: Six ships ready to serve Eid transportation: KSOP Batulicin
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024