Tanjung, South Kalimantan (Antaranews Kalsel) - A thousand of volunteers in Tabalong, South Kalimantan, planting trees to support the clean and green movement in Saraba Kawa Earth (nickname for Tabalong district).
Planting trees was an initiative of Perkumpulan Pusaka (Heritage Society) and the Green Community Forum (FKH), involving hundreds of volunteers from various communities, schools, and government agencies, said one member of the FKH Mardie Yansuri in Tanjung Thursday.
"Our efforts have mainly concentrated in Taman Kembang Tanjung involved volunteers from various communities and government agencies," he said.
Planting shade trees and greening plants was also carried out in integrated elementary school SD Islam An Nahl, in the village of Tanta Hulu, and in Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) Nurul Mosthofa, Mabuun.
Mardie mentioned volunteers involved in the green and clean movement were Aremanis, Forum Anak Daerah, Cruising Tabalong and Heritage Society.
Support from a number of schools, including state high school SMAN 1 Tanjung, state junior SMP Negeri 4 Murung Pudak, MAN Tanjung, Tanjung SMPN 4 and volunteers from Kwarcab scout.
This action coordinator Thomas Damator said these activities could motivate people to participate planting in their respective environments.
Editor : Hasan Zainuddin
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