PT PLN (Persero) South and Central Kalimantan Main Distribution Unit (UID Kalselteng) has received a visit from Tabalong DPRD to discuss acceleration of village electricity development.
Chairman of Tabalong DPRD Muchlis and his entourage were welcomed by Senior Planning Manager Ahmad Samsuri, who was accompanied by PLN South Kalimantan Electricity Project Implementation Unit (UP2K) Manager Winardi and Manager of Tanjung Customer Service Unit (ULP) Muhammad Iqbal Rinaldi.

"We appreciate the visit of Tabalong DPRD and PLN is open to stakeholders for the benefit of development program and ready to work together in accelerating the development of electricity infrastructure," Samsuri noted in a statement in Banjarbaru, Saturday.
He acknowledged that if electricity evenly distributed until remote areas it have a positive direct impact on increasing locally derived revenue (PAD) through street lighting tax (PPJ) to be then used for regional development to be enjoyed by all level of society.
"If electricity sales increase, PAD will increase. Thus  it contributes to regional taxes, which will be returned to the community in the form of development programs implemented by regional government," he said.

Related news: PLN South-Central Kalimantan maintains electricity reliability to customers
Chairman of Tabalong DPRD Muchlis said that PLN's service was very good with the presence of reliable eletricity for every important activity and the achievement of electricity development in several villages, even though road access was very difficult.

"On behalf of Tabalong residents we would like to express our gratitude for PLN's support and services in evey important activity, such National MTQ, Presidential visit, and others, which have been very good, including village electrcity development," he said.
Muchlis understood how difficult to get to villages in the interior of Kalimantan forest in the process of developing electricity infrastructure in Tabalong.
Such as Meho Hamlet, Panaan Village, Bintang Ara Sub-district. Road access must penetrate dense forest and pass through two suspension bridges which have a high risk, but PLN could install electricity network in the village.
"Some time ago we visit Panaan village, we saw people were busy buying refrigerators and televison after the electricity had been on for 24 hours. They said they finally could feel the cold of ice. This is all proof, electricity is basic need for all people wherever they are," said Muchlis.

"Tabalong is one of the main gate to the naational capital city (IKN) so we are very sure that electricity is increasingly needed, especially as housing construction has also shown an increasing significant increase," said Commision III member, Dahli.
He said that the DPRD ready to synergize and collaborate with PLN to ensure acceleration of electricity infrastructure development.

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Pewarta: Yose Rizal

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2024