"In the past, wearing glasses was disgraceful and strange. Now, it can improve your performance and become more beatiful," said Okty Damayanti when telling about her childhood at an eye examination and giving away free glasses ceremony in Tabalong Regency, Tuesday.
The woman, who is now serves as General Chairperson of Adaro Foundation (YABN) concurrently CSR Division Head of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia, said that when she was in elementary school she had to wear thick glasses at a time when people were very rare to wear glasses, because she had distance vision problems.
However, after wearing glasses, Okty felt that the world became brighter and learning activities at school were no longer disturbed.
While telling about her childhood, Okty invited students of public elementary school SD Negeri Mabuun, Murung Pudak sub-district, Tabalong District, South Kalimantan Province, to immediately have their eyes checked if they had vision complaints.
Okty was present at SDN Mabuun with the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association-Refractive Disorders Treatment Section (PERDAMI-SPGR) in a social service program for providing free glasses for students and teachers in Tabalong.
Advisory Board of the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association Prof Dr dr Nila Djuwita Moeloek (Minister of Health for 2014-2019 period) said that together with PT Adaro Energy Indonesia they wanted to create quality human resources through the program.
"Without good vision, the world of education will not be optimal," Prof Nila pointed out.
Glasses become a problem after cataracts and are very necessary for children who have refractive errors.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, children were very dependent on gadget (online learning) thus the rate of refractive disorder or vision problemns increased.
"I want teachers in Tabalong to be able to carry out initial screening for refractive errors in students," she expunded.
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Prof Nila also hopes that collaboration with PT Adaro Energy Indonesia to continue to help students get better vision.
Representing Regent of Tabalong, Assistant for Government and People's Welfare Febriadin Hafiz expressed his appreciation for PERDAMI-SPGR and PT Adaro Energy Indonesia collaboration in the program.
"Students and community who are the beneficiaries can feel the benefits in achieving eye health," said Febriadi.
The Adaro - PERDAMI-SPGR program to provide free glasses in Tabalong covered SDN Mabuun 1, SDN Cakung Permata Nusa, SDN Kasiau, SDN Sulingan, SDN Mantuil, SDN 1.2 Belimbing Raya, SDN 3 Belimbing Raya, and SDN 2 Pembataan.
In addition to free glasses, training also provided for teachers to be able to carry out initial screening for refractive errors in students.
Including eye health examination by doctors from PERDAMI and refraction examination by refractionists for students, teachers, and school education staff.
The program was expected to reduce the rate of refractive errors in students and teachers in elementary schools.(Adv)
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2023
The woman, who is now serves as General Chairperson of Adaro Foundation (YABN) concurrently CSR Division Head of PT Adaro Energy Indonesia, said that when she was in elementary school she had to wear thick glasses at a time when people were very rare to wear glasses, because she had distance vision problems.
However, after wearing glasses, Okty felt that the world became brighter and learning activities at school were no longer disturbed.
While telling about her childhood, Okty invited students of public elementary school SD Negeri Mabuun, Murung Pudak sub-district, Tabalong District, South Kalimantan Province, to immediately have their eyes checked if they had vision complaints.
Okty was present at SDN Mabuun with the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association-Refractive Disorders Treatment Section (PERDAMI-SPGR) in a social service program for providing free glasses for students and teachers in Tabalong.
Advisory Board of the Indonesian Ophthalmologist Association Prof Dr dr Nila Djuwita Moeloek (Minister of Health for 2014-2019 period) said that together with PT Adaro Energy Indonesia they wanted to create quality human resources through the program.
"Without good vision, the world of education will not be optimal," Prof Nila pointed out.
Glasses become a problem after cataracts and are very necessary for children who have refractive errors.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, children were very dependent on gadget (online learning) thus the rate of refractive disorder or vision problemns increased.
"I want teachers in Tabalong to be able to carry out initial screening for refractive errors in students," she expunded.
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Prof Nila also hopes that collaboration with PT Adaro Energy Indonesia to continue to help students get better vision.
Representing Regent of Tabalong, Assistant for Government and People's Welfare Febriadin Hafiz expressed his appreciation for PERDAMI-SPGR and PT Adaro Energy Indonesia collaboration in the program.
"Students and community who are the beneficiaries can feel the benefits in achieving eye health," said Febriadi.
The Adaro - PERDAMI-SPGR program to provide free glasses in Tabalong covered SDN Mabuun 1, SDN Cakung Permata Nusa, SDN Kasiau, SDN Sulingan, SDN Mantuil, SDN 1.2 Belimbing Raya, SDN 3 Belimbing Raya, and SDN 2 Pembataan.
In addition to free glasses, training also provided for teachers to be able to carry out initial screening for refractive errors in students.
Including eye health examination by doctors from PERDAMI and refraction examination by refractionists for students, teachers, and school education staff.
The program was expected to reduce the rate of refractive errors in students and teachers in elementary schools.(Adv)
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Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2023