Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel) - Head of the Banjarmasin Environment Agency (BLHD) Hamdi revealed that rivers water pollution that flow through the city is at an alarming rate.

"Worryingly, because contamination was far above the threshold," said Hamdi told reporters in Banjarmasin on Thursday.

He said, the research by BLHD in 2015 showed the high level of river water contamination with some standard parameters.

There were 10 locations of the research undertaken. The locations studied for five times a year and there were 27 parameters to determine the level of pollution.

The river water is said to be normal if the pollution minus zero to minus 10, while mild level pollution when the measurement shows the results of minus 11 to minus 30. At the top of minus 30 up means river suffered heavy pollution.

Research on river water pollution levels in Banjarmasin turned out to show a surprising figure to minus 155, or five times higher than minus 30 as a number of heavy pollution.

"This can not be allowed and there must be actions by the government and the public to reduce the pollution level," he insisted.

From the research it also turned out that mostly contributed  to the pollution was household waste, which defecate (BAB) directly into the river or inadequate septic tank to human feces seeping into the river.

If only household waste can be handled properly, then the level of water pollution in the city is predicted to be only minus 10 or means normal, said Hamdi.
edited by mahdani

Pewarta: Hasan Zainuddin

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2016