The South Hulu Sungai (HSS) District Government through the Food Security Office cooperated with Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) to market healthy rice, produced by the Budi Bakti Combined Farmers Group (Gapoktan) in Gambah Dalam Barat Village, Kandangan Sub-district.

Head of Distribution Section of the Food Security Agency M Syaifullah here on Thursday said that every month health rice is sent to each SKPD (government working units), who orders healthy rice.

"Since January 2021, 20 SKPD have ordered healthy rice, with healthy rice type of Inpari 9 and Siam Mayang," he said.

The presence of TTI is very strategic in the effort of providing quality cheap food for the public. TTI that was initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture's Food Security Agency is one of the government's efforts to maintain price stability at both the farmers (producer) level and consumer level.

With the TTI, gapoktan or community food businesses are empowered. TTI carries out the function of a distribution agency in a more efficient distribution chain, thereby reducing price disparities between producers and consumers.

"That what we are doing in the HSS government through Food Security Office, namely TTI bridging the marketing of products from the agriculture in HSS, one of which is healthy rice from Farmer Group (Poktan) of Budi Bakti in Gambah Dalam Barat," he said.

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Pewarta: Fathurrahman

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2021