Komunitas 0 Sampah (Kuolah or Zero Waste Community) in Banjarmasin has succeeded in turning organic waste into fish feed.
Chair of the community, Aprianda Nur Ikhsan said feed from organic waste contains higher protein than normal feed. In conducting research, his party collaborated with the government-owned waste management company PD PAL Banjarmasin.
According to him, organic waste produces maggots or black soldier fly (BSF) maggots, which are a good source of protein for fish growth.
Aprianda Nur Ikhsan admits that he admires (Mayor) Ibnu Sina's leadership in dealing with the waste problems in this city. Nationally, Banjarmasin has been recognized as a pioneer in reducing waste from plastic bags.
"Starting from there, we had an idea to manage organic-based waste to be used as an alternative fish feed," he said.
Even though he has only been active in making animal feed for a few months, he is optimistic that with the support of Ibnu Sina and other parties this business will continue to grow.
"We want added value, not only reducing waste but also increasing income," he explained while emphasizing the importance for the people to having awareness of waste handling.
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COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020
Chair of the community, Aprianda Nur Ikhsan said feed from organic waste contains higher protein than normal feed. In conducting research, his party collaborated with the government-owned waste management company PD PAL Banjarmasin.
According to him, organic waste produces maggots or black soldier fly (BSF) maggots, which are a good source of protein for fish growth.
Aprianda Nur Ikhsan admits that he admires (Mayor) Ibnu Sina's leadership in dealing with the waste problems in this city. Nationally, Banjarmasin has been recognized as a pioneer in reducing waste from plastic bags.
"Starting from there, we had an idea to manage organic-based waste to be used as an alternative fish feed," he said.
Even though he has only been active in making animal feed for a few months, he is optimistic that with the support of Ibnu Sina and other parties this business will continue to grow.
"We want added value, not only reducing waste but also increasing income," he explained while emphasizing the importance for the people to having awareness of waste handling.
Read also: Banjarmasin Education Agency determines to accelerate adiwiyata schools
Read also: Banjarmasin govt checks of 36 businesses' waste management
Read also: Two years HSU safe from inflation
Editor : Mahdani
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2020