Tanjung, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Commander of the 1008 Tanjung District Military (Dandim) Lt. Col. Arm Eddy Susanto monitored a number of physical developments at the location of the 104th TNI Integrated Village Development in Hayub Village, Haruai Subdistrict.
Physical development which is currently still in the completion stage, namely renovation of unhabitable houses, construction of roads dike, and mushalla fences.
"We hope the physical development can be completed as targeted and support the economic activities of the residents of Hayub Village," Eddy explained.
The renovation activities of houses owned by Slamet and Ngademi have been completed and at this time the members of the Satgas TMMD together with the residents completed the construction of Eramsyah's house.
Chairman of RT (neighborhood unit) 2 Muhammad Gaffur expressed his gratitude for the TMMD program in Hayub Village which helped build the mushalla fence.
"In addition to the worship place, there is also a means to learn the Al-Quran for children (the TMMD Taskeforce have renovated), so we are very grateful to the TNI members who helped build the fence," explained Gaffur.
Dandim 1008 Tanjung monitors 104th TMMD physical development
Rabu, 6 Maret 2019 8:54 WIB
We hope the physical development can be completed as targeted and support the economic activities of the residents of Hayub Village,