Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (AntaranewsKalsel)- Banjarmasin, which has at least 102 rivers and known as the "Thousand River City," is keen to become the center of the river civilization in the future.
"Anyone who later wants to learn how to manage the river please come to Banjarmasin," said Director of PT Ambapers Syaipul Adhar to Antaranews in here, Wednesday.
According to the head of the company, which manages the Barito River threshold, for anyone who wants to learn how to manage a river like a toll road please come to this region.
His company is one of which in charge of managing the river and collects contributions for regional revenue, which are imposed on vessels utilizing the river channel.
According to Syaipul Adhar, Banjarmasin on November 1-4, 2017 will host the third Indonesian River Congress (KSI III), in which will gather many river experts, observers, and communities to discuss how river management in the future.
Therefore, added Syaipul Adhar who will be trusted as chairman of KSI III committee, Banjarmasin will take advantage of the moment for the management of rivers in this region.
What will be discussed is how the river as a natural resource becomes an economic magnet, both as a tourist destination, as a flow of transportation, information flow, and as an economic location where floating markets, floating restaurants, floating games, floating hotels and so on.
It is expected in the KSI III a kind of Banjarmasin declaration will be born to provide solutions to the river as a center of civilization in the future.
He pointed out, there is a national policy for the territory of Kalimantan, which is financed by the state budget that is the Peat Restoration Agency.
Yet if you see the vitality between the peat and the river certainly the river is more vital, because without the river there could be no peat. Therefore, the River Restoration Agency should be formed later which is funded by APBN with the aim of reviving the existing rivers as the center of civilization.
Editor : Mahdani
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