The Baitul Maal Foundation (YBM) of the PLN South and Central Kalimantan Main Distribution Unit distributed Ramadan packages for underprivileged residents in welcoming the Holy Month of Ramadan.

The Ramadan gifts program targeting dhuafa or the poor, cleaning workers, pedicab drivers, and imams of mosque and mushola.

Chairman of YBM Legiman in Banjarbaru on Friday said this is a form of YBM PLN's concern for people in need.

“We hope this assistance can help meeting their basic need during Ramadan. Hopefully this will be amal jariah (charity) for the donors and bring blessing for us all,” he said.

A total 123 packages have been distributed to various regions in South and Central Kalimantan, including Pangkalan Bun, Palangka Raya, Kuala Kapuas, Banjarmasin, Banjarbaru, Barabai, and Kotabaru. 

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Meanwhile, General Manager of PLN South and Central Kalimantan Ahmad Syauki appreciated YBM PLN's initiative in this blessing sharing program.

“I thank all employees who have set aside their income to be managed and distributed through YBM PLN. Ramadan is a special moment to multiply good deeds, hopefully this assistance will benefit many people,” he said.

One of the recipient in Kuala Kapuas, Marto, felt grateful for the assistance and said it was very helpful in meeting daily life needs.

“We are very grateful for YBM PLN's concern. This aid is really helpful in meeting daily needs, especially during Ramadan,” said ata Marto.

Similar expression expressed by Ma’ruf in Barabai, Safa’ah in Pangkalan Bun, and Yahya in Kotabaru with their hope that this program will continue and expand its scope.

“Hopefully this activity to continue and provide greater benefits for people in need,” said Marto.

Through this program, YBM PLN South and Central Kalimantan is committed to continue to be present for people in need.This activity was a real evidence that togetherness and concern can bring happiness and blessing, especially during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

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Pewarta: Gunawan Wibisono

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2025