With voluntary donation from its employees through Light Up The Dream (LUTD) program, PT PLN had installed at least 25 free electrical connections for poor residents in South and Central Kalimantan this year.

This is a program to help underprevileged communities to get proper access to electricity and improve their quality of life.

General Manager of PT PLN Main Distribution Unit (UID) for South and Central Kalimantan Ahmad Syauki said that LUTD program is a real form of PLN's concern for people who do not have access to electricity.

"This is one of energy even distribution efforts carried out by PLN relying on voluntary donation from employees. This program is a form of mutual cooperation (gotong royong) by PLN people to help others outside similar program from the government," he said in Banjarbaru, Wednesday.

Related news: Ministry installs free electricity connections for 131,600 houses
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He underscored this program not only brings electricity to the community, but also a symbol of care and spirit of sharing.

Through LUTD, Syauki pointed out, PLN wants to ensure that all people, without exception, have the same opportunity to get access to electrical energy.

"I appreciate all PLN employees who have set aside part of their income to support this program. Our commitment does not stop here. We will continue to promote this program until the electrification precentage reaches 100 percent," he said.

Herianto, one of the beneficiaries of LUTD 2025 in Mandingin Village, Hulu Sungai Tengah District, expressed his gratitude now his family can enjoy electricity independently after relying on minimal lighting for so long. (ANTARA/HO-PLN UID Kalselteng)
Syauki added that the presence of electricity also brings big changes to society. Children now study more comfortably, household work becomes easier, and various economic activities can develop more optimally.

Meanwhile, one of the LUTD 2025 beneficiaries, Herianto,in Mandingin Village, Hulu Sungai Tengah District, expressed his gratitude. Now his family can enjoy electricity independently after relying on minimal lighting for so long.

"Thank you PLN for helping us connect electricity for free. May it be a blessing for us all," he said.

Read also: PLN supports industrial growth, NZE in Kalimantan
Read also: PLN supplies 555 kVA electricity to strengthen palm oil downstreaming


Pewarta: Yose Rizal

Editor : Mahdani

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Kalimantan Selatan 2025